IMAGE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Artefact.jpg Short: LW wierd metal artefact Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace Some wierd metal artefact. Image contains basic lens flares/reflection/shadow mapping and is fairly simple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Cinema.jpg Short: LW render of cinema Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace I saw this image on a UK postage stamp, and decided to model it to see if i could get the same type of atmosphere as in the original, i think i got quite close :) Original stamp design is acknowledged to have been created by "The Chase" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Depart.jpg Short: Cool LW StarTrek based render Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace The Starbase object in the background is based >VERY< closely on the Carmen Rizzolo object. The object you see was completely re-built for LW and consists of only ~7200 polys. The Rizzolo object weighs in at around 30000+ polys after conversion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: India.jpg Short: PhotoGenics composition of girl figure Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/art The outline was created in Brilliance, taken into PhotoGenics and processed with alpha channels/rubthru/basrelief/lots of red gradients. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Laser.jpg Short: Spacey type LW Render Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace I wanted to try something with laser type effects, I built the beam but it looked kind of silly sitting there by itself in space, so had to build a massive starcruiser type thing to complement it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Lynx.jpg Short: Cool "PhotoRealistic" LW render Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace ColourMap created by hand in Brilliance [not scanned!] Trace Reflection On ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Maker.jpg Short: Dark foggy LW Render Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace The robot in the background was originally meant for the Team17 AB3D-TKG competition, I modelled it, but then found out that it had to be animated in 6 frames, even though the model is fully articulated it is extremely difficult to get it walking right :( Date 15.02.96 [I have just seen a picture of one of the AB3D.TKG monsters in a magazine - it looks very similar! :o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Refinery.jpg Short: True Brilliance/LW composition with sunset Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/art The silhouette was created in Brilliance, stamped over the sky image, and smoothed to defocus it. The Lensflares were added with LW over the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Shutters.jpg Short: LW lamp and window shutters Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace LightWave 3.5 Shutters are Colour/Diffuse/Specular/Bump Mapped. Trace and Shadow mapped. Lamp Double sided/Transparent/Additive/Filtered/Refl.Map glass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Water.jpg Short: LW water, sunset and fog Author: (Girish Nath) Type: pix/trace LightWave 3.5 Clouds - Colour Mapped by modifying plasma image from PhotoGenics 1.2a Waves - Bump mapped Trace Reflections - On Fog - 45% linear Lens Flares - None :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright © Girish Nath 1996-1997 Girish Nath -- EMail WWW OS4 GFx Coming events cast their shadows before Team AMIGA