Amiga Flame - News - Exclusive: FUBAR
Exclusive: FUBAR
FUBAR is a new action strategy game in development by Q-Group with a minimum of two players being able to play it.
The idea of the game is for the player to rule the world, killing off all the other players on the way. In the game there is a world map screen showing the divided countries and each is owned or can be owned by every player. The game of course ends when a player conquers each individual country.
But this isn't easy as when the two players meet they have to battle it out. This means you have the chance to use a wide range of artillery and cause some fantastic explosions, leaving mass-destruction.
Currently all the design work of the game is nearly finished and they have begun to develop the actual game. But at the moment they are looking for even more ideas for weaponry, etc. They are also looking for a publisher and for people who can draw/ render 3D graphics.
So e-mail them now and give your support:-
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