Digi Booster PRO - DBM0 file format by Tap of Inv DBM is Iff like format. It means that module consists of hunks. Each hunk has a 4 bytes identification and after that hunk length (LWORD - 4bytes). If the module doesn't consist of one hunk, for example VENV - volume envelope hunk that will mean this module doesn't use volume envelope effect. These hunks DBM module should always consits of: NAME, INFO, SONG, INST, PATT, SMPL Offset Length 0 4 | ID "DBM0" - module identification 4 2 | tracker version: | eg. $0200 - version 2.00 6 2 | reserved ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 4 | ID "NAME" - module name hunk identification +4 4 | hunk length +8 44 | mod name ------------------------------------------------------------ ??? 4 | ID "INFO" +4 4 | hunk length +8 2 | number of instruments in module +10 2 | number of samples in module +12 2 | number of songs in module +14 2 | number of patterns in module +16 2 | number of channels ------------------------------------------------------------ ??? 4 | ID "SONG" - songs hunk identification +4 4 | hunk length +12 44 | song name +56 2 | number of orders for this song +58 ??? | order list (words) NOTE: Each order list can use | the same numbers of patterns. ------------------------------------------------------------ ??? 4 | ID "INST" - instruments hunk identification +4 4 | hunk length +8 30 | instrument name +38 2 | sample number used in this instrument +40 2 | instrument volume +42 4 | instrument finetune (stored in HZ) +46 4 | instrument repeat start +50 4 | instrument repeat length +54 4 | flags: | bit 0 set - forward loop uesd | bit 1 set - ping pong loop uesd ------------------------------------------------------------ ??? 4 | ID "PATT" - patterns hunk identification +4 4 | hunk length +8 2 | number of positions (rows) in pattern +10 4 | size of packed data +14 ??? | packed pattern data ------------------------------------------------------------ ??? 4 | ID "SMPL" - samples hunk identification +4 4 | hunk length +8 4 | flags: | bit 0 set - 8 bit sample | bit 1 set - 16 bit sample | bit 2 set - 32 bit sample +12 4 | sample length +16 ??? | sample data (unsigned) ------------------------------------------------------------ ??? 4 | ID "VENV" - volume envelopes hunk identification +4 4 | hunk length +8 2 | how many volume envelope tables does this hunk contain +10 2 | to which instrument this volume envelope data belongs +12 134 | volume envelope data ------------------------------------------------------------