Version History

- Version 5.5
- Opens locale.library(38) to work on OS3.0.
- Version 5.4
- Allow spaces in node names.
- Bug fix for nodes with all words ignored.
- Remove spaces at the start of a title.
- Added IGNORETO parameter.
- Memory saving when ignoring words.
- Added CTRL-C checking.
- Added TITLE parameter.
- Can now guess how to determine the title.
- No longer produces duplicate titles.
- Uses @title.
- Added details of stack usage.
- Prints file names, node titles and ignored words.
- Added FILE parameter.
- Added docs on how to index lots of files.
- Version beta1 5.3
- Fixed MERGE - was completely broken in 5.2!
- Recompiled using SAS/C 6.57.
- Localised.
- Version 5.2
- Uses lower case version of words if present. Thanks to Tom Byrer.
- IGNORE now works. Thanks to Tom Byrer.
- Changed the file format - reduced memory usage.
- Added IgnoreWord and example usage for MakeMPIndex.
- Version 5.1
- Some memory improvements
- NODE2 parameter
- Version 5.0