SETATTR : NAME SETATTR -- Sets the attributes of a variable etc. SYNOPSIS SETATTR( BASEADDRESS/A,NAME/A,VALUE/A ) FUNCTION Sets the current value of a specified field. INPUTS BASEADDRESS - As returned by - parse arg Base -. NAME - Name of variable to set attributes for: Movement - 0 to 1024 - the proportion of movement from the first image to the second image; Red1 - 0 to 1024 the proportion of image 1 Red to use; Green1 - As Red1 for Green; Blue1 - As Red1 for Blue; Red2 - 0 to 1024 the proportion of image 2 Red to use; Green2 - As Red2 for Green; Blue2 - As Red2 for Blue; Produce - 1 to render the frame - 0 to skip; RPlus - 0 to 255 to add to Red in rendered image; GPlus - As RPlus for Green; BPlus - As RPlus for Blue; RMinus - 0 to 255 to subtract from Red in rendered image; GMinus - As RMinus for Green; BMinus - As RMinus for Blue; DX - 0 to ? - X amount to skip; DY - 0 to ? - Y amount to skip. VALUE - Value to use. RESULT Returns error 10 if invalid NAME. EXAMPLE parse arg Base;SetAttr Base RMinus 12 NOTES Should only be called from PRESCRIPT scripts. It is a good idea to call - Numeric digits 12 - for correct processing of BASEADDRESS. BUGS Allows setting of read only variables (i.e. those listed in GETATTR() which are not listed here). Does not validate that a valid BASADDRESS is passed. SEE ALSO GETATTR().