
 RunMPGui provides a simple Shell interface to MPGui.library

 Parameters are:

 FROM/A       Input GUI file
 TO/K         Output file
 RELMOUSE/S   Open reqester by the pointer
 PUBSCREEN/K  Specify the public screen to open on
 HELP/K       AmigaGuide file to show help
 CHELP/S      Show help continuously
 NEWLINE/S    Put a new line between each gadget
 PREFS/S      Show Save/Use/Cancel gadgets rather than OK/Cancel
 BUTTONS/K    Command to run when a button is pressed
 NOBUTTONS/S  Do not show OK/Cancel gadgets
 PARAMS/K/M   Parameters to substitute in GUI file

 The BUTTON command should be specified as "command %ld %ld"

 The command is then passed two numbers - the address of the handle and
 the number of the button.

 Return a failure from this command to Cancel the GUI.

 The response from MPGui is:

   0 if OK is pressed;
   5 if Cancel is pressed;
  10 if there is an error in the GUI file;
  20 if there is some fatal error.

 Version 5 - Refreshes windows when a requester is open
             Tries amigaguide.library version 34
 Version 5.2 - Localised.
 Version 5.3 - non beta
 Version 5.4 - Opens locale.library(38) to work on OS3.0.