SETATTR : NAME SETATTR -- Sets the attributes of a variable etc. SYNOPSIS SETATTR( NAME/A,VALUE/A ) FUNCTION Sets the current value of a specified field. INPUTS NAME - Name of variable to set attributes for: FILE1 - the first workbench image file; FILE2 - the second workbench image file; FILE241 - the first 24 bit image file; FILE242 - the second 24 bit image file; OUTPUT - the output file name; SINGLE - the type of morph 0 - Morph, 1 - Warp 2 - AnimMorph, 3 - AnimWarp; FRAMES - the number of frames; START - the start frame; SAVED - Update file saved status (V4.4) RESULT Returns error when required. EXAMPLE SETATTR FRAMES 10 NOTES To set the image size use SETSIZE() or SCALE(). BUGS SEE ALSO GETATTR(), SETSIZE(), SCALE().