This is my rendition of the ship that Ron Thornton shows on his two video tutorials by Desktop Images. Since Ron T. doesn't give exact values on every step of construction you will probably see varying details from myself and other users who have completed these tapes. Also, if your really concerned about memory usage (and who isn't) you can try bringing the specular maps down to 64 colors and the color (rgb) maps down to 16 to 32 colors. That should help. Not only is this a cool ship, but the techniques involved in building it were really the treasures of these tapes which is why I decided to submit it into the PD. Fell free to use this in any way you see fit. The only thing I will not allow is for this to be included in any commercial CD, Disk, or any other medium object or sharware collection without my wrttien concent with the exception of Michael Meshew's LightROM collection. Enjoy! Impact Imaging Also check out "Power Tips Pro" by Dean Scott and myself.