Star Fleet DryDock Type VI(Maya Class) ============================================= To all of those conversant in the Star Trek universe, you will re- cognize this model from"STAR TREK:The Motion Picture" and "STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan". It is the same type of drydock used for the refit of the U.S.S. Enterprise. It is a welcome addition to anyone who has a col- lection of ST objects,Lord knows if you've done any animations at all,you're gonna need a place to fix them up. Of course, if you don't have any objects for space I suppose you can use it as a decorative rose trellis. Now for the nitty gritty..... I assume you've seen the immense size of this particular piece of equipment and said to yourself, GOD IS THIS GUY NUTS OR WHAT? In answer to that, PROBABLY. This is not an object for the faint of heart or low RAM. Uncompressed it originally was almost 2 Megs in size. Which translates out to a requirment of about 16Megs or better to render.It was created in Imagine 3.0 with no "funny textures" or what not. But for this file I converted it over to LightWave 3.5 using Interchange Plus,as a scene file.This process allows you to remove whatever parts you wish to make it small enough to render on your machine.To render it completely it will take 8 Megs of RAM. To prove this I have included a 24bit Jpeg file rendered in LightWave with no compositing used. I am a professional 3-D Modeler and Animator by trade and created this little dodad as a tribute to Carmen Rizzolo. I have another object here on this BBS which you can look at, it is a B-24J Liberator also in the Lightwave format. There will be other aircraft coming soon as time and patience allow. As always use this, or any of my other objects at your descretion.All I ask is that you keep this file with the object. If you have any comments or requests I would greatly appreciate it. You can reach me here at this BBS,call or write to me at the following: Loren Sharp 153 Buckingham Drive Stephen's City,VA (703)869-4039