21-3-96 Hello again from Singapore. Well, here's another half-finished attempt at something from the Star Wars universe. This time it's Coruscant's Entertainment complex, as visualized by Ralph McQuarrie. It first appeared in Star Wars Insider, and is found in the book The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, by McQuarrie and Kevin J. Anderson. Cool stuff. Ultimately, it is NOT scaled correctly at all, but was designed to look good from the front. The back buildings are more forced-perspective than anything. Also, much detail has been lost, as I ran out of time on it.... (as usual. Don't you hate having to work for a living?) I also didn't use too many different image maps, since I'm stuck using a Pentium these days, and let's face it, they're not exactly memory-effecient. The little scene file I included just does a basic fly-through. Oh, it looks nicest with raytraced reflections on, since the puddles on the ground look cool with raytracing. Peter Bowmar bpj1@np.ac.sg Should I even bother with the legal stuff? Naaaaahhhhh.