Captain's Yacht from Star Trek : The Next Generation Never heard of it? It's also known as "The nobble on the underside of the saucer section, in the center". Supposedly called Calypso, it is oval, bluish and stupid-looking. I borrowed the Enterprise-D technical manual, and modelled it from that. Why? I don't know. I only borrowed the manual for a quick read. I must have been REALLLY bored. It is supposed to go at mach 20 in atmosphere, although if you ask me this is bollocks. Mach 20 into the ground would be preferable. They go and build the Captain a yacht and he never uses it anyway. Still, I'm sure it'll come in handy when I need a craft to get the shit kicked out of it by a B-Wing or Star Fury in an animation. I don't actually hate Star Trek. I just hate Deep Space 9, the really crap episodes of TNG and anybody who spends their time learning Klingon and memorising all the Treknobabble jargon. And believing it. Besides, who needs Star Trek when we've got Babylon 5? Wossnames --------- Do what you like with this model. Especially if it involves fire. I don't really give a buggers (as long as you don't sell it). Contact if a) You really want to and b) 1) You do not own stick on Vulcan pointy ears. 2) You do not speak Klingon. Simon C Embley