The Chaos Engine Level Guides World 2 World 2 Index * Level 1 The Maze * Level 2 Traps * Level 3 Steam * Level 4 Quarters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 The Maze...Return to index Level 1 The Maze...Return to index [Image] There are a large number of hidden bonuses within the maze : - * Collect Gold Keys 1 to create a set of steps at point 1. These give you access to Gold Keys 2 which will reveal lots of silver coins surrounding you. * If you walk down the corridor at point 2, a weapon power-up will be revealed. * There are three metal pillars at point 5. Only one can be shot, so you can get either a First Aid Kit, a weapon Power-Up or an Extra Life looking left to right. It is possible to get more than one by hitting the pillars at exactly the same moment. In fact, it is possible to get all three with the right weaponry. * There are two sets of gold keys at point 6. The set on the left reveals a lot of treasure and food whereas the set on the right produces a lot of nasty monsters. You can only get one set, so get it right first time. * If you enter the room to the west of the maze by any of the three entrances you will be sealed in. At this point the pillar in the centre of the room will start to change. If you shoot it whilst it is completely smooth it will blow up to reveal Silver Keys 1. These keys will release you from the room. The maze has three exits : - Silver Keys 2 will open access to the centre of the maze. This will allow you to shoot the node at the centre and exit over the walls up the middle. Silver Keys 3 open the western exit of the maze at ground level. Silver Keys 4 open the eastern exit of the maze at ground level. If you have exited the maze, by the central route over the walls, you can collect Silver Keys 5 which allow you to exit that area. All three routes converge at point 7. If you then move to the east, when you reach the exit you will be able to explore the area to the west along the narrow wall tops. This will give you some Special Power and a Power-Up. If, however, you move to the west you will get the food which lies on the eastern walls near the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2 Traps...Return to index Level 2 Traps...Return to index When you appear in this level you have a choice of two sets of [Image] silver keys to collect. Silver Keys 1 open the door to the east, whereas Silver Keys 2 open the door to the west. It is not possible to get both sets of keys. The western route takes you into a sealed room where you must shoot the metal pillar at point 1. This opens a gap in the wall in the western side of the room. However, if the pillar is shot again, it will change to another shape and open the door to the room to the south, which contains Silver Keys 4. These keys open access to the central rings of the level and allow you to switch to the eastern route. If you continue along the western route, you must then collect Silver Keys 5. These keys release the Beast which is guarding Silver Keys 6. When you finally kill this Beast and pick up Silver Keys 6 you will be allowed to exit this area and activate the node at the end of this route. If this is the first node you have activated on this level, a crater will appear behind> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transfer interrupted!