; This is an example smb.conf. Please edit it to suit your system. ; See "docs/smb.conf.0" for all the details of the settings. ; There are more examples in the "examples" drawer. [global] ; Hey - I need someone to test if printing can be made to work! printing = bsd printcap name = /AmiTCP/samba/etc/printcap load printers = no ; The guest user to use - change it if you have another guest account. guest account = pcguest ; This next option sets a separate log file for each client. Remove ; %m if you want a combined log file. log file = /AmiTCP/samba/log/log.%m lock directory = /AmiTCP/samba/var/locks strict locking = no ; If you are not using AmiTCP/IP, you'll probably want to change this. ; See "docs/smb.conf.0" for more information. passwd program = /AmiTCP/bin/passwd passwd chat = "Changing password for *.\nOld password:*" %o\n "New password:*" %n\n "Retype password:*" %n\n "*" ; The OS level to report in master browser elections. ; Windows for Workgroups uses level 1, Window 95 uses level 2. ; An Windows NT-AS domain controller uses level 32. os level = 3 preferred master = yes ; File name related settings. See "docs/smb.conf.0" for more information. case sensitive = yes default case = lower preserve case = yes short preserve case = yes hide dot files = no ; Identification. workgroup = Kampsax server string = My Amiga ; smbrun doesn't appear to be used anymore. It was used previously to run ; external commands. smbrun = /AmiTCP/samba/bin/smbrun ; This is one possible way of receiving Winpop messages. It uses "SMTPpost" ; from INetUtils (from Aminet) and "rm" from GNU fileutils ; . ; Remember to insert your email address after the -t option! message command = /AmiTCP/bin/SMTPpost -raw -R "%f@%m" -f "WinPopup-receiver" -t "My name here " -s "Winpopup from %f on %m" < %s; rm -f %s ; Disconnect people if there is not activity for 5 minuttes. dead time = 5 ; This seems to give the best performance on my system. read size = 32768 read prediction = yes socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE ; Enable these if you have a WINS server. ; wins proxy = no ; wins support = no ; wins server = ; This uses the "virtual root" feature of ixemul.library 43.0+ [All] comment = All volumes in the system valid users = root @admins path = / read only = no public = no browsable = no write list = root @admins ; Lets people use your CDROM drive. [CDROM] comment = 6x ATAPI (or whatever) valid users = pcguest path = /CD0/ read only = yes public = yes browsable = yes guest only = yes ; Suppose you have some MIDI files you want to share. [MIDI] comment = General MIDI files valid users = pcguest path = /Bench/Data/MIDI/ read only = yes public = yes browsable = yes guest only = yes ; Share those samples too! [Samples] comment = Misc samples valid users = pcguest path = /HD1/Data/Samples/ read only = yes public = yes browsable = yes guest only = yes ; Let people upload files to you. [incoming] comment = Dump files here valid users = pcguest path = /HD2/incoming/ read only = no public = yes browsable = yes guest only = yes ; Give people access to their home directories. [homes] comment = Home directories guest ok = no read only = no