
v 3.10

THE 'What is?' WINDOW


One day my friend Maurizio asked me: "Hey Max, do you think that it's possible to write a program to create files in HTML format by just loading a simple ASCII text and using the mouse to define the final HTML file?"

I said: "Oh my God! Miracles are not my speciality!"... but he was right!
Well, the final result is near.
MWM allows you to load a normal text file and you can attach images, texts, lists and many other HTML object to the selected lines and/or words just by using the mouse.

The GUI is essentially composed of:
- The Main Window
This will show the normal text file. If a part of text is defined by
an action, it will be highlighted with a different color from the rest
of the text. Like some word processors, this window contains a lot of
small graphic gadgets linked to different actions.

- The "What is?" Window
This will show a quick information about all lines.

- The Single Line Window
There you can insert more objects in a single line.

- The Labels Window
This will show all labels included in an HTML file to be linked.

- The Help Window (or Log Window)
This will show all informations about selected lines.
MWM provides you three levels of informations:


Once a simple text file is loaded, you will see it in the Main Window
Use the left mouse button to select part of the text, either by dragging, or by clicking. Then select one of the Action Gadgets to attach an action to it the selected text. The action can be lists, texts, images, hyperlinks, forms or many other things permitted by the HTML 3.2 specifications.
If you need to attach an action to a single word on a line, just double-click on the line. Your desired line will appear in the Single Line Window. Then you can drag select only the desired word(s).
Different actions will create objects that are shown in different colors in the Main Window.
All created objects are numbered in order of creation. By selecting the object, you can see information about it in the Log Window.

If the text is larger than the the window, you can scroll it by pressing the arrows keys or using the scroll gadgets.
The arrow keys, by themselves, will scroll one line or column.
Shifted arrow keys will scroll one page up / down / left / right.
Pressing the alt key with the arrow keys will go to the beginning / end, or to the top left / top right.
Pressing the control key with the arrow keys will attempt to resize the window to fit the text.

The help key will open or close the Log Window.

The del key will open or close the "What is?" Window.

Pressing enter will edit the first selected line or the current active object.

Pressing return will insert an empty line.

The Action gadgets

Starting from the left, the Action gadgets are:

TEXT Gadget

This action will define a particular type of text for selected lines.
MWM will show a window with some gadgets:
- "Type" gadget:
- Plain; all selected text will be saved into HTML.

- Link into this document;
it makes an hyperlink to the current document.

- Link to another document;
A web browser like AMosaic will highlight this part of the text.
If the user click on this object, a new text defined by this action
will called.

- Link to a site.

- Preformatted;
Selected lines will be included between <PRE> and </PRE>.
They will usually be displayed in a fixed width (typewriter) font.

- Address.
Selected lines will be included between <ADDRESS> and </ADDRESS>.

- Paragraph.
Selected lines will be included between <P> and </P>.
You can also specify an alignment as:

- "Link" gadget:
Active for "link to another document", it lets you choose the file name to be linked.
- "Label" gadget:
Active for "link into this document" and "link to another document", it lets you choose the label name to be linked.
- "URI" gadget:
Active for "link to a site"; MWM will give you the following list of URI's types:

- "Site" gadget:
Active for "link to a site"; MWM will show a requester to find out where it can go to read the site name. You can choose from:
- Selected line
If the site name is the current selected text, MWM will
reduce to one all the selected lines.

- Keyboard
The site name will be defined manually from the keyboard.

- PATH:file
The site name is defined in the site file.
You may define a list of sites in advance for MWM to use.
The list MUST look like this:
If the location of the site list has not been previously
defined, MWM will look for it in "PROGDIR:MWM.sites". You may
define a different location for the site file using the
"PREFS" gadget, "Sites list" item.

- "Markup" gadget:
Adds a markup to the current text. You can choose from:

- "Font" gadget:
With this you can modify the font size (headings) of the selected lines. The following choices are possible:

Note that these values are just an indication. Depending on what browser they are using, and how the browser and their system is set up, your text may look different on each system.

MWM sets this value to <H5> for all lines defined as simple text. Use the "HTML defaults" option in PREFS action to change this default.
- "Align" gadget:
This gadget is used to specify the alignement for the headings.

- "OK" gadget:
Add object to the buffer.
- "Cancel" gadget:
Exit quietly from object definition.
- "Delete" gadget:
Lets you to delete the current edited object.
If you need to retouch a text object, just click "TEXT" gadget when that object is selected (or double click on it).
IMAGE Gadget

This action will _REPLACE_ selected text with an image.
MWM will show a window with some gadgets:
- "Choose" gadget:
A file requester will ask you to select the image file.
- "Alt" gadget:
The alternative text (ALT) for this image.
- "Type" gadget:

- "Align" gadget:

If you need to retouch an image object, just click "IMAGE" gadget when that object is selected (or double click on it).
LIST Gadget

This action will define selected lines as a list.
MWM will show a window with some gadgets:
- "Type" gadget:
- Unnumbered; for example:

For unnumbered list you can also define the bullet type as disc, circle or square.

- Numbered, for example:
  1. Don't drink if you must drive
  2. Don't drive if you have drunk
  3. Cappuccino is more greedy than beer
  4. Milk is finish, give me a beer!

For ordered list you can also define the numbering method as arabic, roman or alphanumeric.
- Definition, for example:


- "Add image" and "Add text" gadgets:
This action will add an image or a text to the current line showed into the text gadget.
- "Compact" gadget:
This flag, if active, lets you to define that the list must be showed by the browser in a smaller way <UL COMPACT>.
- "Plain" gadget:
This flag, if active, lets you to define that the unnumbered list must be showed by the browser without bullets <UL PLAIN>.
- "Continue" gadget:
Don't restart the sequence number, continue where previous list off <OL CONTINUE>.
- "Starting from (START)" gadget:
Set the starting sequence number for the first item <OL START=n>. This gadget is only usable if the gadget "Continue" is not selected.
- "<LH> Header" gadget:
Useful to define the title of the list.
- "Bullet/Number" gadget:
For unnumbered list you can specify the bullet type as disc, circle or square. For ordered list you can specify the numbering method as arabic, roman or alphanumeric.
This is an example of an ordered list with "roman" numbering method:
            <OL TYPE="I">
                <LI> First...
                <LI> Second...
                <LI> Third...
                <LI> Some other things...

This would be rendered like:
  1. First...
  2. Second...
  3. Third...
  4. Some other things...

- "Prev" and "Next" gadgets:
Lets you to add text or image to every line of the LIST.
- "OK" gadget:
Add object to the buffer.
- "Cancel" gadget:
Exit quietly from object definition.
- "Delete" gadget:
Lets you to delete the current edited list. If the list contains texts or images, MWM will shows a warning.
If you need to retouch a list object, just click "LIST" gadget when that object is selected (or double click on it).
FORM Gadget

This action is composed by two steps:
In the first step you define the part of the text that will become the FORM. MWM will show a window with some gadgets:
- "Method" gadget:

- "Action" gadget:
Here you can specify the ACTION (a URL, for instance) of that FORM. This is an example of an Action: "http://x/y/sample".
You will see that the color of the selected text has changed. With FORM objects you may select one or more lines for each group.
In the second step you get to define all other parts of the FORM. Select as many or as few of the previously selected lines as you wish, and select the FORM Gadget again. MWM will show a window with some gadgets:
- "Type" gadget:
- Plain text; This is useful to describe some other more important objects.
- List of INPUTs; This won't work if you are working in the Single Line Window. Any single INPUTs to define will be included in a list.
- "Input" gadget:
This gadget contains the following type of INPUTs:
Text, Password, Checkbox, Radio, Range, Scribble, File, Hidden, Submit, Image, Reset and Textarea.
If you choose RADIO, MWM will check if you have selected the "Same RADIO group" gadget. If yes, the RADIO group will have the same field name. In this way, a program like AMosaic can be sure that one, and only one, of them can be selected by the user.
- "Name" gadget:
Here you can specify the NAME of the INPUT.
- "Value" gadget:
Here you can define the default, or initial, VALUE for the INPUT.
- "Width" and "Max" gadgets:
With these gadgets you can define the size in chars and the maximum number of chars allowed for the TEXT and PASSWORD inputs.
- "Rows" and "Cols" gadgets:
With these gadgets you can define the size in chars for the TEXTAREA input.
- "From", "To", "Value" gadgets:
If you are working for RANGE input, all of these gadgets will be abled.
- "Accept" gadget:
Used for the ACCEPT field of the FILE input.
- "Source" gadget:
Used to define the SRC field for all of the inputs elements that would need it.
- "Next" and "prev" gadgets:
Ghosted if the "Same Radio group" gadgets are not selected. Otherwise, you can specify tha VALUE and the selection (SELECTED) for every element of the same RADIO group.

Every element of the FORM (except that inserted in a list) will be saved into the final HTML file prefixed by the <P> string in order to print each line separately.
If you need to insert two or more element of the FORM into the same line, you can double-click on it working in the Single Line Window.
If you need to retouch a FORM object, just click "FORM" gadget when that object is selected.
MORE Gadget

MWM will consider the first selected line and ask you what you want to do with this line. The possibilities are:

HEAD Gadget

This action will define selected lines as the HEAD. MWM will show a window with some gadgets:
- "Title" gadget:
Used to define the <TITLE> of the document.
- "Description" gadget:
This gadget lets MWM to insert, for example, the following line :

- "Choose" gadget:
Used to define a fixed banner:

If you press the HEAD gadget and no text was loaded, MWM will ask you if "It doesn't matter" and, if so, MWM will create automatically one text line (the first) where the HEAD informations will be stored.
If you need to retouch the HEAD object, just click "HEAD" gadget when that object is selected.

This action will center all selected lines <CENTER>.
FONT Gadget

With this feature you have an alternative way to modify the text size and the respective color, for example:
<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#FFFF00" Hello world! </FONT> This would be rendered as: Hello world!
If possible, the "What is?" window will show a little information where the FONT was inserted.

The same action of the "Search" item on "Edit" menu.
CUT Gadget

The same action of the "Cut" item on "Edit" menu.
EDIT Gadget

The same action of the "Adjust selected lines" item on "Edit" menu.
VIEW Gadget

This action allows you to call a program like AMosaic to see how the page looks at any time. The program that will be called is defined by using the "Prefs" gadget, "Browser" item. Try to open MWM and your browser on the same screen.
PREFS Gadget

This action will open the following list of options:
- Screen
You can choose from Default, Named and Owner public screens.
- Font
Change the current font in the Main Window.

Default paths:
- ASCII texts
Defines a common path for all text files.
- Images
Defines a common path for all image files.
- Work dir
Defines your favorite working directory (RAM:T, for example).

Log window:
- Log window
Allows you to personalize the Log Window.
- Log level
MWM provides you three levels of informations:
- None; Nothing about objects will be showed.
- Medium Simple informations about selected object.
- High Full informations, all data into an object will be displayed.

- Browser
Lets you choose the preview browser program.
- Sites list
Lets you choose the file containing the list of sites.

HTML defaults:
- Heading
when you load an ASCII text, MWM assign to every line a value
equal to zero (default) so, if you need to change default heading
size, MWM saves the selected value instead of zero.
If you want a different heading size, select one of:
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 in the listview.
- BR as EOL
If active, it lets MWM to insert the <BR> keyword after every line so
you can save your text more possible like the original showed into
MWM's Main window.

- OK + autosave
If active, MWM will save automatically the HTML file when OK
button gadget is pressed defining texts, images, lists and forms.
Just click reload on the browser for the preview if you are working
with it.


Once doubleclicked on a text line, MWM will open the "Single line" window. Here you can attach text, images and inputs.
If the line is not part of a form, only the TEXT and IMAGE action gadgets are usable, else only the FORM action gadget can be used to insert objects.
F1, F2 and F4 keys are the hotkeys for these three actions.
MWM lets you to use each of two mouse buttons:
* Left mouse button:
- by clicking and dragging you can select part of the line;
- if you doubleclick into an object, MWM will open the
correspondent window to edit it;

* Right mouse button;
- if you click into an object, the effect is equal to the
doubleclick of the left mouse else, if out, MWM will highlights
the entire word under the mouse pointer.
- if you click out of the window box, the Single window will be
closed (also ESC key).

4. THE "What is?" WINDOW

The "What is?" Window is always to the left of the Main Window. It's purpose is to provide short descriptions of the object(s) on that line. Here are some examples of object descriptions:
   | What is?  || MWM Edit Window                  |
   | ......... || Uninitialized text               |
   | txt Hn X  || Initialized Text                 |
   | txt->in   || Text linked to current document  |
   | txt->out  || Text linked to another document  |
   | txt->site || Text linked to a site            |
   | img simple|| Simple image                     |
   | img->in   || Image linked to current document |
   | img->out  || Image linked to another document |
   | img->site || Image linked to a site           |
   | img map   || Map image                        |
   | head      || Text of the <HEAD> block         |
   | Form type || Text of the <FORM> block         |
   | preformat || Preformatted text <PRE>          |
   | address   || Text of the <ADDRESS> block      |
   | paragraph || Paragraph text <P>               |
   | Multi obj || Text including more objects      |
   | Label     || There is a label <ID>            |
   | Comment   || There is a comment  <!-- ... --> |
   | Lab & Com || There is both label and comment  |
   | break     || There is a break <BR>            |
   | line      || There is an horizontal rule <HR> |
   | font n    || There is a FONT                  |
   | centered  || There is a centered line <CENTER>|

Key to object descriptions:
Hn = Heading <H1> to <H6>, <HD> for default value
X = Alignment: L = LEFT, C = CENTER, R = RIGHT, J = JUSTIFY
type = Form method GET or POST n = Size of font
Del key will open or close this window.


When the Main Window is active, you can use the menus. They contain the following items:
* Project Menu

- Load plain text
Allows you to load a normal ASCII text file.
If a text file was previously loaded, MWM will ask if you want to
replace it, or to insert the new file into the old one as follow:
- Replace
- Insert to the beginning;
- Insert to the end;
- Insert after the first selected line.

- HTML save
Save automatically your work on the same HTML file or, if not
previously saved, this action will open the Save window as defined
If you have selected "OK + autosave" gadget on Prefs window, this
action will be repeated everytime you press "OK" gadget on
TEXT, IMAGE, LIST and FORM windows.

- HTML save as...
Allows you to save the work you've done creating the HTML file.
This action will open the Save window with these gadgets:

- Load project
Load a previously saved project.

- Save project
Save the entire work in a file to be recalled at any time so that the
development of it may continue.

- Delete all
Delete all current work or only all objects.
(Handle with care!).

- Help keys
List of all magic keys.

- About
The brains behind MWM (;-))

- Quit
End of work.
MWM will save the preferences and the last size/position of the
"Main window" into "MWM.prefs" in ENV: and ENVARC:.

* Edit Menu

- Cut
A requester will ask if you want to:
- Completely kill all selected lines
Deleted text will be copied to clipboard.
- Kill only the created objects.
- Cancel

- Copy
This action copies all selected lines to clipboard.

- Paste
Insert text from the clipboard to after the first selected line.
If you are using KCON: for the log window, for example, you can type
whatever you need into this window, select all your text with the
mouse and press "Amiga+C" to copy all text into the clipboard.
NOTE: Remember to hit return after the last line otherwise the console
will block and MWM won't be able to write messages.
Afterwards, select MWM's main window and press "Amiga+V".
This also works with the ConClip and ConPaste commodities.

- Search new
Search for a new string.

- Search again.
Search for the next instance of the same string.

- Edit selected lines
This action allows you to modify the selected text. If the selected
line is not a multi-object, the previously created objects will NOT be
touched. Otherwise, if you edit the line, all objects in it will be

* Special Menu

- Insert label
This action will insert a label to the first selected line to be linked
in a future with an anchor, for example:
<A NAME="flag1")

- Go to label
This action allows you to go to a previously defined label into the
current document.

- Mark location 1, 2 and 3
Mark three positions in the current text.

- Jump to mark 1, 2 and 3
Jump to the previously marked position.

These actions will start a search for the specific object starting from
the next line after the last selected line. (Useful, I think !).

* Action Menu

     - Text    \
     - Image    \
     - List      \
     - Form       \___\  Same functions as the Gadgets in Main Window.
     - More       /   /
     - Head      /
     - Center   /
     - Font    /
     - Viev   /
     - Prefs /


MWM is able to do all the following HTML 3.2 things:


  1. A little word about the german doc done by Wolfgang G. Wettach:

probably his work will be not upgraded to the new versions of MWM, so the german doc is valid only for the 2.00 version.
  1. About doc:
Try to load "MWM_eng_HTML.project" included in this archive. This is the project file for the HTML version of the english doc.
  1. About projects:
MWM 3.10 will only load the old projects done by MWM 2.12 and 3.00; previous versions may cause problems! To update your projects (starting with "WORK_MWM_NEW_4") just load and resave with MWM 3.10.

Thanks for using MWM!


MWM needs version 3.0 of the OS or greater.
This program was constructed following the HTML specs included in the archive HTML30GU.LHA. This archive can be found on any BBS and on Aminet.

MWM works with the gadtools and reqtools libraries.

This version of MWM is Copyright ©1996-97 Massimo Baglione World Rights Reserved.

How to register.

If you like this program, and you would like to use the disabled functions, you can send me US$25 to the following address:

Please specify where I should send the complete version of MWM (key).

Pirated key will corrupt your data!!

For any suggestions, ideas or mail bombs, you can contact us faster by:


I want to thank all my beta testers for their good bug reports about MWM. In particular, I'd like to thank:
Troy Bouchard, Mel Greer, Alessandro Di Michele, Kirk Strauser, Girish V Nath, Paul Stevens.

and, for the rest of MWM developement:

Moreover, a big kiss (!) is flying to my Boss (Maurizio Fabiani) for his never ending patience!

The last credit is reserved to Amiga: (all together) ...THANKS AMIGA!!!


-=> * \X/ Amiga! \X/ MAUI BBS! \X/ Love and Beer! * <=-

_The revenge of the italian products_

...enjoy this program!!!


-MWM v. 3.10 Feb 24 1997
- Little adjustements.
-MWM v. 3.00
- Updated to Wilbur - HTML 3.2.
- MWM 3.00 will only load the old projects done by MWM 2.12;
previous versions may cause problems!
To update your projects (starting with "WORK_MWM_NEW_4") just load and
resave with MWM 3.00.
- Added "Jump to next TEXT/IMAGE/LIST/FORM" items to "Special" menu.
These actions will start a search for the specific object starting from
the next line after the last selected line. (Useful, I think !).
- Added "author" for META.
- Added "Bullet/Number" gadget in List window.
This action allows you to specify the bullet type (disc, circle, square)
for UL or the numbering method (arabic, alphanumeric, roman) for OL.
- Updated OL's attribute SEQNUM to START.
- Changed "Choose" gadget type into "IMAGE window" from text to string.
- Changed "Font" text on "TEXT window" to "Heading".
- Added FONT tool gadget into "Main window".
With this feature you have an alternative way to modify the text size
and the respective color, for example:
<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#00FFFF" Hello world! </FONT>
If possible, the "What is?" window will show a little information
where the FONT was inserted.
- Added CUT, SEARCH and EDIT tool gadgets into "Main window".
- Added "Insert label" item to "Special" menu.
- Improved gui for "Load text" if another text was loaded.