How To Register --------------- 1. Print out the "TrapLand Software Registration Form" (to be found on the next page). 2. Please print or write LEGIBLY... 2.a. Fill in your name and mailing address. 2.b. Your fidonet address (not required, if present you will be automatically notified when your copy is shipping). 2.c. Your private voice telephone number (not compulsory). If possible, use the form "+43-(222)-5567863", where 43 is the country code and 222 is the area code. 3. Calculate... 3.a. Tick the items you would like to register (TrapDoor and/or TrapToss). Fees are given in ATS (Austrian Schillings). 3.b. You are eligible for the special bonus reduction if you are registering both TrapDoor and TrapToss at the same time. 3.c. Decide how to transfer the money. We would suggest cash, a postal money order, a wire bank transfer or an EuroCheque. If you decide against one of those and for a foreign cheque, a bank draft or a money order, please remember that this involves a surcharge. 3.d. Sum up the amount for the ticked items, and fill in the the "Total amount" field. 4. Send the registration form to TrapDoor Development. TrapDoor Development Maximilian Hantsch Matzleinsdorfer Platz 3-4/3/10 A-1050 Wien Austria / Europe Fido: 2:310/6 Email/Fax: +43-1-603-8532 Bank: Österreichische Postsparkasse (PSK), BLZ 60000, Account 6.777.234, "Maximilian Hantsch" 5. Wait for the mail man. Thank you for registering! Please allow up to eight weeks for delivery. TrapLand Software Registration Form ----------------------------------- Yes, please, rush me the latest version of the indicated TrapLand programs together with all the additional tools and utilities. I really love your TrapLand software and am desperately waiting to become a Registered User. I have read the chapter "Registration" in the manual and fully agree. My name is: _________________________________ My street address: _________________________________ My home town: _________________________________ ZIP code: _____________ My home country: _________________________________ My fidonet address is: ____:____/____.____ My private telephone: +___-(____)-__________ The data I provide here will be stored and processed in electronic form. It will not be given to anyone not associated with the TrapDoor project. I would very much like to receive... O A registered TrapDoor 350.00 O A registered TrapToss 350.00 O Special Two-In-One-Deal reduction - 100.00 I am sending you... O a EuroCheque -.-- O a postal money order -.-- O a wire bank transfer -.-- O cash (Austrian Schillings) -.-- O any other cheque, bank draft or money order 150.00 This gives a TOTAL AMOUNT of ATS _________ I allow up to eight weeks for delivery. Thanks. Yours truly, __________________ (please sign here)