Look. Some of you are going to look at this program and say, "OOOOH, AAAAH! I must possess this studly instrumentation! My life will be a swirling grey maelstrom of despair, unless I have it!". Then again, some of you will say "How can I crack this?". This is to be expected. Below is the registration form for TrapConfig. Please take a moment to print out the form and fill it in. Mail your completed form, along with your payment to the address at the bottom of the form. ------------------------------->8 Cut Here 8<------------------------------ T R A P C O N F I G R E G I S T R A T I O N Name : _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Town : _______________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________________________________ FidoNet-Address: _______________________________________________ Telphone: ______________________________________________________ Select one: [ ] Please mail my copy of TrapConfig to me. [ ] Please place my copy of TrapConfig on HOLD and I will poll for it using _______________ as a session level password. [ ] Please crashmail my copy of TrapConfig to me. (USA & Canada add $1.00, All others add $2.50) [ ] My system is available 24 hours. [ ] My system is only online between _____ and _____ UTC. Payment was made in the following format: [ ] I have enclosed a personal check. [ ] I have enclosed a money order. [ ] I have enclosed cash. Send your registration fee ($10.00 US + Applicable Crashmail fees) along with the completed registration form to the author at the following address: TrapConfig Registration c/o Chaitanya Marvici 11606 Pearwood Place Austin, TX 78758 Make checks or money orders payable to: Chaitanya Marvici I know that my personal data is stored and processed electronically as well as the the transfer of the money is at my own risk if I send cash or a check. ______________________________________________________________________ (Date) (Signature)