__ /// The Hotel California - Running Excelsior! BBS __ /// FidoNet-> 1:382/105.0 AmigaNet-> 40:201/11.0 \\\/// (512)929-8154 USR HST 16.8K Dual Standard \XX/ Amiga - The computer for the creative mind (tm) Presenting "Quick Silver", the ARexx File Request Server! Greetings from The Hotel California, located in Austin Texas. You are being served by Quick Silver, a FidoNet File Request Server, written entierly in ARexx, and compiled with the "Rexx Plus Compiler" by The Dineen Edwards Group on an Amiga 2500. Here are a few features that are available to you from Quick Silver. o MAGIC filename support. o PASSWORD protection on both file areas and Magic filenames. Format: FILENAME !PASSWORD o ACCOUNTING support keeps track of the number requests, the number of files requested and the number of bytes sent to each requesting node. o FIRST TIME LETTER for callers, what you are reading now. o NODELIST SUPPORT via the traplist.library by Martin J Laubach. o Update Request support. Request files only if they are before or after a certain date. Format: FILENAME +/-Uyymmdd[hhmmss] or FILENAME +/-unix_timestamp o WILDCARD pattern matching. Uses the standard * and ? characters. o More features being added almost daily! o Compiled ARexx for blazing fast speed even on a stock 68000 machine. If you experience any problems when requesting files from this BBS, please send me a NetMail explaining the problem so that I may correct it.