------------------------------ Quick Silver Registration Form ------------------------------ Name:______________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ St/Prov:___________________________ Country:_________________________ Post Code:_________________________ Net Address:______________________ Network:___________________________ Voice Phone:______________________ BBS Phone:_________________________ Select method of delivery. [ ] Crashmail my keyfile to me to my address above. [ ] Place my keyfile on hold for me to pick up. [ ] Mail my keyfile on disk to my address above. [ ] Have dinner ready, I'll be stoping by shortly! :-) Select method of payment. [ ] I have enclosed $15.00 US in cash. [ ] I have enclosed a personal check for $15.00 US. [ ] I have enclosed a money order for $15.00 US. [ ] I have enclosed payment in my local currency in the amount of _____________ Signature:_________________________________ Date:____________________