How To Register --------------- 1. Print out the "Point Manager Registration Form" ( You will find it on the next page ). 2. Please print or write LEGIBLY... 2.a. your name and mailing address. 2.b. Your fidonet address and the name you are using as 'Sysop Name' in your Point Manager configuration. 2.c. Your private voice telephone number (not compulsory). If possible, use the form "+39-(862)-356728", where 39 is the country code and 862 is the area code. 3. Tick... 3.a. The method used for money transfer. I would suggest an International Postal Money Order ( Vaglia Postale for Italian Users ). If you want to send it as cash ( enclosed in the envelope with the registration form ) please be careful ! 4. Send the registration form to: Point Manager Development c/o Giuseppe 'Pino' Aliberti via delle Fontanelle 67016 Paganica (AQ) ITALY Fido: 2:335/602.2 *** only CRASH mail *** 5. Wait for the mail man. Thank you for registering! Please allow up to eight weeks for delivery. Point Manager v3.21 Registration Form ------------------------------------- Yes, please, send me the latest version of Point Manager. I have read the 'Conclusion' and 'Registration' chapters in the manual and fully agree. My real name is: _________________________________ Sysop Name: (*) _________________________________ My street address: _________________________________ My home town: _________________________________ ZIP code: _____________ My home country: _________________________________ My fidonet address is: ____:____/____.____ My private telephone: +___-(____)-__________ (*) The name used as 'Sysop Name' in Point Manager (Case Sensitive) I am sending you... Registration Fee: O a 30000 Italian Lire International Postal Money Order O a 30000 Italian Lire EuroCheque O 30000 Italian Lire as Cash ( enclosed in the envelope ) O 28$ (USA Dollars) as Cash ( enclosed in the envelope ) I allow up to eight weeks for delivery. Thanks. Yours truly, __________________ (please sign here)