################# KNOWN BUGS #################### NONE !!!!!!!!!!!!! ################################################# ############## v3.21 ############## R.571 23/9/93 > Recompiled, optimizated and released as Point Manager 3.21 !!!!!! R.570 24/8/93 > Now we are at v3.21/g > Now PM could be used also from Unregistered users ( like PM v3.10 ) > Now the Areas and Messages lists scroll while you are moving the scroll gadget R.569 21/8/93 > Now in the Editor Parameter Window you can use also the following keyboard shortcuts: Amiga+O - OK Amiga+E - Edit Amiga+C - Cancel Return - Activates the 'To:' gadget > Now PM should recognize all the kludges R.568 28/7/93 > Now the title of the 'help' window is more explicit > Now in the Browse window 'Space' scrolls down one page, at the end of the msg it goes to the next selected msg, at the end of the selected msgs it goes back to the Message Window R.567 19/7/93 > The new I/O routines are slower than mine ! I'm back to the old ones. > Now PM works again with Kickstart 1.3 > Changed the sizing method for the maximum number of lines in a msg. R.566 8/6/93 > Now we are at v3.21/b > I'm trying new I/O routines from Commodore > Now PM requires Kickstart 2.0 or higher > Now PM opens the registration requester if it doesn't find the PMkey file. R.565 1/6/93 > Now the right mouse button is a shortcut for OK also in the search and flags window. > Now PM quotes up to 4 initials R.564 11/5/93 > I've inserted once again the leading space in the reflown text > Now PM understands quoted lines with up to 4 initials > Improved the routines for flagging msg as Delete or Mark R.563 5/5/93 > Now we are at v3.21a > Now, during the printing, PM formats the text using the margins set in the preferences ############## v3.20 ############## R.562 6/4/93 > Yesterday I've got my brand new A4000, today I've fixed all the known Enforcer Hits in PM and CPM ! *;^] > Now it is again possible to quit PM with the ESC key > Recompiled, optimizated and released as Point Manager 3.20 !!!!!! R.561 24/3/93 > Now in the Messages Window 'W' is a shortcut for 'Write' > Now, under WB 2.x, CPM tries to open its window on the PM screen > Final adjustments... R.560 19/3/93 > Now file attaches are addressed to the destination node only if the associated matrix is flagged CRASH, otherwise they are routed to your Boss > Now CPM allows up to 30 addresses > last adjustments... R.559 17/3/93 > Now PM should open its custom screen as a public screen > Now the "Delete" and "Mark" flags are preserved when you quit PM R.558 10/3/93 > Now you can use the control chrs also in the #CUSTOM commands ( of course all the control chrs that reference directly to a single area or msg will be ignored. > Some changes in the control characters. The Kb free on MAIL: now is '%b' and '%?' is now used for popping up a string requester where you can enter the text that will replace the '%?'. For example : #CUSTOM DOS 14 "Call ..." "Run DH0:ArpC/Trapdoor call %?" R.557 8/3/93 > Removed the 'Generate Areas BBS' routines > Redesigned the menus in the Areas window & added keyboards shortcuts > Now, in the Areas Window, 'ESC' doesn't quit PM anymore. > Now PM uses its own fonts in the 'please wait' window. R.556 4/3/93 > Improvements and bug fixes in the Archive and Print routines > Now PM does not delete the bundle if something goes wrong during decrunching R.555 3/3/93 > Now the "Please Wait" window will be opened only when PM opens its windows > Now the sort by Subject of msgs is case Insensitive > Minor changes to the quoting routines. R.554 28/2/93 > Added a window that will be opened when PM updates the Stats and Index files > Fixed a bug with the Additive gadget R.553 26/2/93 > Greatly improved the quoting routines. > Now CPM do not allow the use of #TURBOSCAN if #INDEX is already selected R.552 22/2/93 > Now PM quotes correctly also lines with a single letter before the '>' > Now the Right Mouse Button is a shortcut for 'OK' in the File request window R.551 13/2/93 > Now we are at v3.20/g > New cfg parameter: #AREAFONT sintax: #AREAFONT > Now PM updates the Area's flags after a Scan... R.550 11/2/93 > Now PM will display the first 18 chrs of the area name in the Areas Window ( previous version display only the first 15 chrs ) > Included '\q' as a control character in #CUSTOMBROWSE and #AREA* lines. It replaces the '"' chr R.549 8/2/93 > Inserted the 'Safe Del' Gadget in the Areas Window. It is equivalent to 'Delete' gadget, but it doesn't delete New messages. > Now PM close its Areas window only when it has written all the index and statistics files R.548 29/1/93 > Fixed an ugly bug that could cause a guru in the Browse window R.547 28/1/93 > Now in the Browse window PM reports the number of Unread msgs. It counts the number of selected msgs with the NEW flag > Inserted new quoting meythod (" PA>> xxx" in place of " MG> PA> xxx") R.546 24/1/93 > Inserted keyboard shortcut for the first 10 Custom browse commands > Added keypad control in the Browse window (Home, PgUp, ...and so on...) R.545 21/1/93 > Now we are at v3.20/b > Added a 'Update' gadget in the Areas window. It updates the Stats and Index files. > Now, in the Areas Window, there is no more a 'shift' between the pointer and the selected area R.544 20/1/93 > Inserted 15 Custom Menu in the Browse Window. > Now, In the Browse Window, if you release the Right Mouse Button on the menu, PM will run the selected custom command, otherwise it will go back in the Message Window ( if 'ExitDMouse' is active ). R.543 18/1/93 > Inverted the position of the OK/Cancel gadgets in the File Request/Send window > Solved a bug in the Userlist search that may cause problems with Areafix > Fixed a small bug in Reflow routines R.542 17/1/93 > Inserted the following Control characters: %K - Complete address of the sender ( e.g. 2:335/602.2@fidonet ) %k - Address of the sender without point and domain ( e.g. 2:335/602 ) %? - Kb free on MAIL: > Now, in the Browse window, Up/Down arrows scrolls Up/Down of ONE line, SHIFT + Up/Down arrows scrolls Up/Down of one Page. R.541 16/1/93 > Completelly changed the Statistics files. Now PM uses only ONE file for ALL the statistics files. > Changed sintax of #STATS. Now it is: #STATS "filename" ( default: #STATS "MAIL:PManager.STATS" ) R.540 15/1/93 > first changes for inserting the custom menu in the Browse window > Changed #CUSTOMBROWSE sintax, now it is the same of #CUSTOM > Now PM saves Stats files only if it has read them before (sic!) > I hope to have solved the bug of the strange Stats > Now killing the stats, removes them also from the memory. R.539 8/12/92 > Now we are at v3.20/a > Changed the reflow method. Now the leading spaces are eliminated > Eliminated an Enforcer hit that creates problems to the origin lines R.538 29/11/92 > Now leaving empty the Nodelist or Userlist gadget in CPM disables the use of the nodelist or of the userlist in PM. In the .cfg file you can use #NODELIST "" or USERLIST "" > Now PM do not read anymore layout configuration when you Reload the cfg from inside PM. You MUST quit and re-run PM in order to see Layout changes > Included ReqTools.library 2.1a R.537 25/11/92 > Now PM pass always the correct name of the current cfg file to CPM. ############## v3.10 ##############