| +---------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ | | |_| | |_ |_| | | | | | | Message from: {FROM} | | |_ |_ | \ | o o o | | Address: {FROMADDR} | | E-Mail: {EMAIL} | | -----------------------------+ | Message to: {TO} \ | Address: {TOADDR} \ | \ | Subject (PW): {MSGSUBJ} \ | Date: {MSGDATE} \ | Flags: {MSGFLAGS} \ | \ | Area: {MSGAREA} ------------------------------------- | Number: {MSGNUM} | -------------------------------------------+---------------------------------- | | This file was created by A wrong pass was used when a request | was tried to be made. Please check your | {PRGNAME}, password, and if someone tried to hack | in, please inform the sysop. | Version {PRGVER}. | -------------------------------------------+---------------------------------- The message body follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {TEXT} ==============================================================================