Some people have expressed concern for the number of libraries included with JamMail. I find this sort of surprising, since the more libraries there are, the more memory you save. Only the libraries being used at the time are loaded into memory, or in a broader scale, if you disable something, you can even possibly delete the related library from your drive. libs/wpl.library libs/xferq.library These two libraries make up the bulk of the WPL language. WPL.library has all of the commands internal, and Xferq deals with all of the addressing issues of WPL, relating to parsing of addresses, as well as building all address lists. WPL can not work without Xferq. The reason the code was seperated into seperate libraries (even though, in a WPL situation, both would always be loaded), is that Xferq.library itself could be used in a Non-WPL situation. Another mailer wanting to use the "vastly superior" outbound queueing system can use this library. All of the address list functions could be quite usefull to a tosser/scanner author, when they are working with path/seenby lines. As an example, Gordon, the 5d message tosser i'm running, completely uses Xferq to handle all Seenby and Path lines and handles the distribution lists. JamScan also uses Xferq.library for all address parsing, as well as the Queue handling. libs/jammail.library This is the new function library for JamMail. The functions in this library used to be in the JamTool program. JamTool is being replaced by this library that is much more efficient, in speed and size. libs/wplemsi.library This library contains the bulk of the EMSI code for JamMail. If you do not intend on supporting EMSI sessions with your FidoNet system, you can simply disable EMSI in the configurations menu, and delete this file. libs/xprfts.library This library contains the code used for DietIFNA/SeaLink and TeLink fidonet sessions. This library is used for both FTS1 and Wazoo sessions so if you support any of these protocols, you will need this library. Note: if you are a Node listed in the FidoNet nodelist, you *MUST* support FTS1, so you should not disable/delete the function. libs/xprzedzap.library This library handles the Zmodem(ZedZip) and ZedZap file transfers. If you aren't using any of these protocols with the Wazoo or EMSI handshakes, you could delete this library (although I don't know why you wouldn't be using them :-) This library is also used for the Zmodem transfers for the login menu file servers. libs/owndevunit.library This library is present for those systems that will be using this type of support. Some terminal programs use OwnDevUnit, to "ask" for a serial port from other software. As long as JamMail isn't doing anything on that modem, it will allow other programs to take ownership. Likely, if you are running software that does this, you already have the library, so will not need it again. New versions of GPFax may possibly support this which would allow outbound Fax sessions to be done easier. libs/xprclock.library This library is also here for a specific feature. JamMail has the ability to set your computers clock from an Atomic clock system (often ran at government or military installations). Its pretty much guaranteed to set your clock within half a second of the absolute correct time. No more arguments with anyone about who's clock is correct! The reliability of the connects varries with modem features. Old 2400bps modems tend to have better results than newer high speed modems. As you can see, not all of these libraries may be needed with your system, and there is definately no chance that all of them would need to be loaded at the same time (unless you had a large multi-line system, and each line was using a different library :-) As an example, someone not using JamMail in a FidoNet (or Othernet) situation, would likely not need the fts.library, or emsi.library at all. The zedzap.library would only be needed if they were running a file server or something like that. For those of you that don't like having a million libraries in your Libs: directory, you don't need to put them there. You can do a multi-assign on the Libs: directory, and AmigaDos will search in other directories as well. Ex. "Assign Libs: JamMail:Libs/ add" After searching any other directories you had configured, it will also search the JamMail:Libs directory for libraries. Any "files" written to Libs: will get written to the first directory assigned as Libs: (Usually Sys:Libs). Anyways. I hope i've helped a bit in explaining why there are so many files here. It really does save you memory guys! This is an advanced Amiga feature, why not use it?