This is in no way a complete list, but these are some of the thoughts that have come up for possibilities. As you'll see from this list, getting a new scheduler going, with a graphical interface on the mailer itself (similar to the jammail.pic file now included in the archive), is currently the thing i'm working towards. TODO: - single binary replacing setup script, the loadscript and launch programs, as well as the last functions in JamTool. Possibly add creation of own public screen at this point. - Completely new schedler - graphical, with scroll bar of systems with mail and the priority. See: Jammail.pic Line scan orders for different "call time zones". - JamRoute and JamFlow. replacements for JamScan. JamRoute will take over all the mail routing/compressing functions of JamScan, plus be more configurable. JamFlow, will simply route .FLO style files. The config file will simply be a few lines with domains, and a few priorities. - Direct support of TD style BBS launch commands (converts variables from TD style % variables to $() variables). Is this even relevent? This is only relevent for BBS's where defaults aren't built in already. - Hydra or Janus support - depends on if an Xpr gets written. - Full AmigaGuide format Documentation. - Audio inbound/outbound file/session announcement option (configurable messages). Is anyone interested? - AmiTCP sessions - as much support as is required/requested for full "SLIP/PPP" session types. This is likely to happen when I get my Unix box networked to the Amiga :-)