This is a brief summary of the rules I'd like you to bear in mind, when participating in the echo mail for this area. The SlimeBar is defined as a no-rules echo to an extent so you don't have to worry about anything too much apart from a few simple guidelines. There are areas in the Barnet Network for most kinds of chat forum, so, where possible, it is requested that you keep to the apropriate areas if it is apparant that there is a place for the message elsewhere. Example: A technical message would go into BarMat and therefore I'd frown upon one posted in here. Whereas something depraved and sexually orientated would go into BarMaid even though I'd probably laugh at reading it here ;) That's basically you're lot. From time to time I'll post a general guiding message to someone who is really off the mark with their postings, but Moderation, as such, will not be used unless the offending person is either deliberatly doing it to annoy me, or just doesn't seem to care etc... Thanks, Anthony Brice - aka Xerra. Barman of the SlimeBar echo. Any complaints in regard to this policy will only be discussed via Netmail. Thanks for your time... WANKERS!!! ;)