Idefix is continously developed. Development not only means improvement, but sometimes also introducing bugs. In order to avoid that buggy versions are spread all over, Idefix is beta-tested by several helpful users. I, as the author, benefit from their help in finding bugs, while they benefit from being able to use the latest versions and directly influence the development of new features. I think, that this is a good deal for both of us. Should you be interested in becoming a beta tester of Idefix, feel free to fill out and send me the application form below. Please note, that you, as a beta tester, will have to agree - not to spread any beta versions, nor any information on them - to poll my system regularly once a week to obtain the beta echoes - to report any bugs you find - to be as helpful as possible in determining their cause If you agree, you are very welcome indeed! Cut here, fill out, and crash to me! ----------------------------------------8><---------------------------------- =========================================================================== ******************* IDEFIX BETA TESTER APPLICATION ********************** =========================================================================== Yes, I am interested in becoming a beta tester for Idefix. I agree - not to spread any beta versions, nor any information on them - to poll your system regularly once a week to obtain the beta echoes - to report any bugs I find as soon as possible - to be as helpful as possible in determining their cause I agree to do so by sending you this application form with my personal and configuration data. =========================================================================== Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Country: ________________________________________________________________ Phone no:________________________________________________________________ FidoNet address: ________________________ AmigaNet: ____________________ Other email address: ____________________________________________________ =========================================================================== Amiga model: _____________________ CPU: ___________ Clock MHz: _________ Hard disk controller: ____________________________________ O SCSI O AT Operating system version - Kickstart: ___________ Workbench: ___________ Expansion boards: _______________________________________________________ (please list all) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Software utilities in the background: ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ TrapToss release used: _____________ =========================================================================== -------------------------------------8><-------------------------------------