Hello Peer ! I'm totally impressed by Foozle and I beg you to send me my key-file as fast as possible. For this personal key-file I give you the following information: Name : _____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Town : _____________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________________ FidoNet-Address: _____________________________________ Telphone: ____________________________________________ __ |__| I want to get my key-file on a disk along with the latest version of Foozle and some other nice utilities. __ |__| As I'm running a node, that is online at least 24 hours a day, I want you to send me my keyfile directly. __ |__| As I'm running a node, that is online only some hours a day, I want you to send me my keyfile around ___:___ UTC. __ |__| Sorry, I'm only a point, but I have made a special arrangement with my boss, that he will forward the key-file to me at my own risk. __ |__| I'm a point and I would like you to put the key-file on hold for me. I will fetch it using the password ___________ as soon as I receive a netmail from you. (Please tick only one!) Ahh, sorry, I nearly forgot: __ |__| A cheque over those 50,-- DM is enclosed. __ |__| The payment is enclosed cash. __ |__| I transferred the amount by postal money order. __ |__| I let my bank transfer the money to you. I know that my personal data is stored and processed electronically as well as the the transfer of the money is at my own risk if I send cash or a cheque. ______________________________________________________________________ (Place, date) (Signature)