A bible in the hand is worth two in the book case. *** A clear conscience is often nothing more than a poor memory. *** Actions speak louder than words - but not nearly as often. *** A single rose for the living is better than a costly wreath at the grave. *** Charity often consists of a generous impulse to give away something for which we have no further use. *** Confessing your sins is no substitute for forsaking them. *** Does God believe in people? *** Due to industrial action all grave digging this week will be undertaken by a skeleton crew. *** Few burdens are heavy when everybody lifts. *** God is black. Yes, she is! *** God is not dead, but alive and well and working on a much less ambitious project. *** He who boasts of being self made relieves the Lord of a lot of responsibility. *** If Moses had formed a committee, the Israelites would still be in Egypt. *** If you can`t be content with what you have received, be thankful for what you have escaped. *** Let us pray, not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs. *** Never judge a man`s actions until you know his motives. *** Noah was a terrific businessman. He floated a company at a time when the rest of the world was under liquidation. *** Offering advice may be noble and grand, but it`s not the same as a helping hand. *** Remember the steam kettle. Though up to it`s neck in hot water, it continues to sing. *** The collection is a church tradition in which many people take only a passing interest. *** The only thing worse than growing old is to be denied the privilege. *** The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. *** The world is made up of takers and givers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. *** To take the wind out of an angry man`s sails - stay calm. *** When God made man, she was only joking. *** When people speak evil of you, live so that no-one will believe them. ***