Before installing ASTG 1.7, please copy your current ASTG to a different place, just in case 1.7 causes you more problems than it is worth! ASTG 1.8: o Removed the backup code in ASTG. It was creating more problems than it was worth. Users would run ASTG after ASTG bombed out, and the empty file would be backed up, destroying the good file. Since no one (including myself) was benefiting from the backup option, I took it out to save space. o ASTG got rewritten from the ground up. This was due to the fact that although ASTG was running flawelessly on countless systems, it was still crashing on Asha's machine. This is not good, since it is Asha's program! ALL SAS/C str* string functions were removed or my own code was substituted. ASTG is slightly slower, but now seems to be running stable on Asha's machine. As a side effect, the code is around 2K smaller. ASTG 1.7: o As part of the PARANOID philosophy, I have implemented a backup mode in ASTG. Before it touches your tagline file, it copies the file to the same directory with the ".bk" suffix. o ASTG would crash horribly if the tagline file was 0 bytes long. Code has been added to exit gracefully if that happens. If you see this error, it is probably because ASTG bombed out in an earlier run. o Implemented the PARANOID MODE of programming ASTG. This means that ASTG error checks practically everything it does and fails if anything is remiss, but it prints an error code when it does so. This should facilitate troubleshooting of bugs that I cannot reproduce here. o Removed, for philosophical reasons, all dependencies in ASTG itself on ReqTools. The dependencies still exist in ASTG Prefs. One thing at a time, ambassador, one thing at a time. ASTG 1.6: o Rewrote the Prefs program to eliminate the occasion that would cause garbage to show up in the EDITOR2 field and cause the TearLine feature to misbehave. If I am correct, this will clear up some odd crashes being seen on some select systems. If not, back to the drawing board... No matter what, you will have to delete ENV:ASTG.PREFS and re-run ASTG Prefs. The new prefs file is completely different from the old one. ASTG 1.4: o Yet another speed increase -- this time, on the file write-back. Changed it from line I/O to buffered I/O. o Found and stomped one more bug, this one introduced in 1.3. The memory buffer used to store the tagline selected was exactly one byte too large. Thus, a garbage character was being tacked on to the end of each tagline in the tagline file. o Removed all references to ANY "printf" related functions (fprintf, sprintf), which reduced the code size by 4K or thereabouts. o Changed "cleanup" function to utilize a faster method of writing out the tagline file when it's cleaning out the "*"'s. I don't think there's anything else that can be done to increase the speed of ASTG now.