Acquaintance - a person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. *** Advertising - the fine art of making you think you have longed for something all your life that you never heard of before. *** America - the only country in the world where it takes more brains to make out an income tax return than it does to make the income. *** An alibi - legal proof that a person wasn`t where they were, and therefore couldn`t have done what they did. *** An expert - someone who can take something you already know and make it sound confusing. *** Antique - anything your great grandparents bought, your parents threw away as useless, and your children buy back at a ridiculous price. *** Baby sitter - a teenager who behaves like an adult, while the adults are out behaving like teenagers. *** Ballroom dancing - the art of getting your feet out of the way faster than your partner can step on them. *** Bank - a financial institution where you can borrow money if you can present sufficient evidence to show that you don`t need it. *** Childhood - that wonderful period when all you need to do to lose weight is take a bath. *** Chivalry - when a man picks up a girl`s handkerchief, even if she`s not pretty. *** Christmas - a time for exchanging a lot of things you can`t afford for a lot of things you don`t want. *** Committee - a group of the unfit, appointed by the unwilling, to do the unnecessary. *** Communist - a fellow who is willing to share his thirst and hunger with your beer and sandwich. *** Confidence - that quiet, absolutely assured feeling you have just before you fall flat on your face. *** Courtship - that early period during which both parties decide whether or not they could do any better. *** Death - life`s answer to the question "Why?". *** Executive ability - the much maligned art of getting credit for other people`s hard work. *** Inflation - when a counterfeiter buys ink, paper, a printing press, and runs off as much money as he can - and loses money on the deal. *** Intuition - that gift which enables a woman to arrive instantly at an infallible, irrevocable decision without reason, judgement, or discussion. *** Irony - when you buy a suit with two pairs of pants, and then burn a hole in the coat. *** Middle age - when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places. *** Mini-skirts : fifty years ago "halfway to the knees" meant from the ground up, not from the shoulders down. *** Old age - when you feel like the morning after the night before, and you haven`t been anywhere. *** Where do clothing stores get those trick mirrors that make your old clothes look shabby? ***