DmimeR ver .09c (Kevin Anderson 20/02/97) Requires: OS 2.04 or above (with asl.library in LIBS:) base64decode (aminet/util/arc/base64?????? About 1mb ram should do Files: DmimeR - main executable StartIt - script file to start from WB StopIt - script file to stop (see below) watch - dummy file (do not delete) DmimeR.txt - this file DmimeR.readme - derrr !!! What it Does: This silly little (and I mean little) program monitors a fixed drawer (RAM:T/) for new files (mime) that are added and uses base64decode to decode them to a user selected drawer. Handy for News Readers/E-Mailers that can't handle mime encoded files. Installation: Just copy the file DmimeR to C: (that's it) Usage: There are two ways to start DmimeR:- 1) Enter RUN >NIL: DmimeR >NIL: in a shell 2) Click StartIt from WorkBench When you start it a standard asl requester ask's you to choose a decode drawer. This is the drawer where you want the decoded binaries etc to be placed. **** DO NOT PICK "Ram Disk" **** This is because base64decode can't understand the space so if you want to use ram disk or any of it's sub-drawers (i.e. t) type Ram: or Ram:t/ manually into the requester. This goes for any drawer names with spaces in them. Now go to your News Reader etc and when you want to download any mime (mime only) files for DmimeR to autodecode save them to T: (just T: not ram:t/ etc see note below) as watch (only watch see note below). Every time a file is added DmimeR decodes it to your decode drawer then deletes the original mime file. I advise you to download your files as read (i.e. same as for straight text articles) so you can see what type of encoding they are. After each file is decoded a little requester will pop up and ask you if you want to Quit or Continue. If you have finished downloading pick Quit and DmimeR will stop monitoring for files and quit, but if you still have files you wish to download pick Continue. You can download multiple files, just keep pressing Continue after each. If you have exited your News Reader after pressing Continue you can quit DmimeR with the StopIt icon. All this does is copy a dummy watch file to T: to bring up the requester where you can pick Quit. ***** NOTE ***** You must save the mime files to "T:" and name them as "watch" beacuse DmimeR monitors this drawer only (pre-set internally) and executes the command "base64decode T:watch autoname " your drawer is the only user selectable part (your decode drawer). So if you name your files as anything other than watch or in any drawer other than T: it will not be found. T: is assigned in your startup-sequence and is normally set to RAM:T so you may need more memory if you download big files. LEGAL: NONE, do what you like with it. (it sucks anyway) BUGS: Don't know of any yet except if you load multiple copies of DmimeR and download files etc it gets confused and can crash etc. Some badly encoded mime files won't work, but that's base64decode. Any bugs to: Kevin Anderson ********************************************************************** History: (well kind of) This was written in Amiga E v3.1i using various example src files and guide files. I have don't have much experience in E as I have only been using it for a week now. I have used a few language's (i.e. Visual Basic etc) but mainly on my PC's and wanted to do some on my Amiga so I looked through my cover disks and found Amiga E 3.1a full version, so here we are. My system: A1200 (motherboard stuck in in DIY PC midi tower case) Ext A1200 keyboard (hot wired in original case) 16mb fast ram 4 x Atapi CD-Rom 3.5" 850mb HDD 2 x floppies Blizzard 040 40mhz acc DeltaScan 1402 monitor (same as 1438) Motorola 3400pro 28.8 modem DIY Radio Modem (Packet) ......Psssst and a couple of Pentiums and some 486's (well there cheap)