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The table below describes RDB adjustments which must be done using HDToolBox after you have written the RDSK and partition blocks. Adjust each of the values in the column corresponding to the function which you were using. Special notes apply to some entries in the table. These are indicated by numbers in round brackets.

Entries annotated with "-" stay, by and large, unaltered. Entries marked with "???" can/should/must be changed. This must be checked in each individual case.

| Description of Entry            | Salvage   | Read/Media   | Read/DevList  |
| Change Drive Type               | click     | click        | click         |
| Drive Types                     | (1)       | (1)          | (1)           |
| Define New...                   | click     | click        | click         |
| Read Configuration              | (2)       | (2)          | (2)           |
| FileName                        | -         | -            | -             |
| Manufacturers Name              | -         | -            | -             |
| Drive Name                      | -         | -            | -             |
| Drive Revision                  | -         | -            | -             |
| Cylinders                       | (3)       | (3)          | (3)           |
| Heads                           | (4)       | (4)          | (4)           |
| Blocks per Track                | (5)       | (5)          | (5)           |
| Blocks per Cylinder             | (6)       | (6)          | (6)           |
| Reduced Write Current Cylinder  | -         | -            | -             |
| Write Precomp Cylinder          | -         | -            | -             |
| Park head where (cylinder)      | -         | -            | -             |
| Supports reselection            | -         | -            | -             |
| Ok                              | click     | click        | click         |
| Ok                              | click     | click        | click         |
| Modify Bad Block List           | -         | -            | -             |
| Low-level Format Drive          | -         | -            | -             |
| Partition Drive                 | click     | click        | click         |
| Advanced Options                | click     | click        | click         |
| Start Cyl                       | -         | -            | -             |
| End Cyl                         | -         | -            | -             |
| Total Cyl                       | -         | -            | -             |
| Buffers                         | ???       | -            | -             |
| Partition Device Name           | ???       | -            | -             |
| HostID                          | ???       | -            | ???           |
| Bootable                        | ???       | -            | ???           |
| Boot Priority                   | ???       | -            | -             |
| Change...                       | click     | click        | click         |
| File System                     | -         | -            | -             |
| Fast File System                | -         | -            | -             |
| International Mode              | -         | -            | -             |
| Directory Cache                 | -         | -            | -             |
| Automount this partition        | ???       | -            | ???           |
| File system block size          | -         | -            | -             |
| Identifier                      | -         | -            | -             |
| Mask                            | ???       | -            | -             |
| MaxTransfer                     | ???       | -            | -             |
| Beginning                       | -         | -            | -             |
| End                             | -         | -            | -             |
| Use custom boot code            | -         | -            | -             |
| Number of custom boot blocks    | -         | -            | -             |
| Ok                              | click     | click        | click         |
| Add/Update...                   | (7)       | (7)          | (7)           |
| Add New File System             | (7)       | (7)          | (7)           |
| Ok                              | (7)       | (7)          | (7)           |
| Verify Data on Drive            | -         | -            | -             |
| Save Changes to Drive           | click     | click        | click         |
| Exit                            | click     | click        | click         |

The following numbers are for descriptions which are too long to fit directly in the table:

SCSI or XT selected according to drive type.
Click and confirm with Continue.
Enter the number of Cylinders (from the right-hand panel under Hard disk parameters).
Enter the number of Heads (from the right-hand panel under Hard disk parameters).
Enter the number of BlocksPerTrack (from the right-hand panel under Hard disk parameters).
Enter the number of BlocksPerCylinder (from the right-hand panel under Hard disk parameters).
Click on this if a file system is to be stored in the RDSK.

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