Recommended Sites!

Sites to Surf.

It seems to me that one can't have a www-page without it offering links to other sites, so I've included a few here! These will perhaps tell you more about my personality than anything else you've seen on my pages as, obviously, my interests and inclinations can be assessed quite easily from my recommended viewing. Browse onwards and enjoy the ride my friend!

Happy Surfin'!

 Coloured Line

First things first ... The WWW is vast! It is mind-numbingly large, in the same way that considering a single atom and its place in the rest of the universe is mind-numbing! You simply cannot comprehend the sheer vastness of it all. Estimates as to the number of computers on the Internet vary widely, but you need only know that there are lots of them. On each server, there could be any number of www-pages! The result of all this is that the number of www-pages available to you is about infinity-3, now there's a big number! Therefore, it seems appropriate that, in order to make this page useful to you, I include a search-engine. I have chosen Savvy Search as it is probably the best of its type on the web - because it uses all the others! Submit a request here and it will automatically contract a selection of search-engines and collate the results. Now that's power!

Moving onwards, I would have included links to every available Amiga-resource on these pages, so as to make them accessible to all. I would have, but there's no need - 'cause someone else has already done it! So put your hands together folks and let's have a round of applause for the maintainers of the most comprehensive Amiga-dedicated site on Earth ... The Amiga Web Directory!

Some Interesting Links the Puppy Sniffed Out ...

The Bloodhound!

Internet Movie Database: A huge, searchable database of just about every film ever made!

Bigfoot: The Internet's equivalent of a telephone-directory, but this one's for e-mail addresses!

The Corporation:New! A satirical and highly amusing site!

The Site of Shite:New! You have got to call in here! The Site of Shite casts a critical eye over life as we know it and is a laugh from start to finish. Drop in here ... Now!

Dan Barrett's Home-page!New! He's here ... Dan Barrett, moderator of and the author of the ultimate computer gaming experience - Blazemonger. No Amiga-enthusiast can pass up on the opportunity to visit here!

Conspiracy Web:New! Do you think someone is listening in on your phone conversations? Do you notice that no matter where you go, there is a black van with tinted windows across the street? From Roswell to crop-circles, this site provides information for all conspiracy theorists.

Organised Anarchy: 18+ Only - This site contains some interesting bits of information in case you ever have to leave the comfort of a stable society and adapt to a new climate of instability and anarchy as an Urban Guerrilla!

Note: This site is not recommended for minors (or indeed miners!), it contains material which is sensitive and which some may find disturbing. Do not proceed along this link if you are likely to find such material offensive. You have been warned!

Maximov is the place to be if you want to find out all about what's really going on in the former Soviet Union. This site contains up-to-the-minute news!

And at the opposite end of the spectrum we have The Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA home-page has loads of information about the current chief, CIA departments and you can even find out what jobs they have going, and how to join! Only our American cousins could have a clandestine intelligence agency with a web-site. A thought occurs to me at this point: How can any government agency have the word "intelligence" as a component of its title? Something of a paradox I think! :-)

Well that's it for the time being. When I discover a good site, I'll add a brief description and a link to this page, so call back from time to time - you'll eventually find one you like.

Don't forget: You could always mail me if you discover an exciting or interesting page you'd like us all to visit.