The Amiga Logo.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the following:

Although I would like to think that this site contains something for everyone, it is unrealistic of me to assume so. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this site has a definite bias towards the Amiga computer series, with most of the information and links within relating to that platform. The vast majority of you then, will find nothing here to stimulate your imagination! Sorry, but the Amiga is my chosen system, obviously it is this then which will guide my creativity on these pages.

The information presented within is (as far as possible) completely factual, therefore any similarity to companies, events or persons (living or dead) is intended and entirely non-coincidental! :-)

The opinions expressed within are entirely those of the author's, and should not be treated too seriously as his mind is particularly deranged. Bluey is not affiliated to any periodical or company which has an influence in the Amiga world, so the views described here are completely unbiased (I love Acme Computers' new mouse mat, it makes my computer run ten-times faster!)

All the text within these pages is my own, unless otherwise stated. Quotes will be acknowledged and attributed to their source.

These pages will be continually updated and (hopefully) enhanced.

Watch out for future