
"Weird site!" - meagor@thenet.co.uk

"... nice and clean in a minimalist style."
"Fast sites like this make me feel silly about the amount of money I am spending for 256Kbit leased-line access." - active8@bbtc.org.uk

"Your site looks cool. I don't think I could suggest anything to make it better. You obviously work hard at it." - goonan@thenet.co.uk

"Good stuff. I hope you can keep the Big Interviews going." - ender@eclipse.co.uk

"Jealousy of course! Seriously, I like the first look, it is minimal, not overwhelming could be a little bit less minimal :-) but not too much! Neat links!" - tom.dijksterhuis@tip.nl

"Had a look at The Lair! Hey, very good indeed. In fact your whole web-page is brilliant! :-)" - hawker@menzies.thenet.co.uk

"I'm impressed!"
"The style and layout looks really professional." - neilsy@thenet.co.uk

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