
NOTE: IRC "Nick" is in parenthesis.

Gerry Menzies (and his gorgeous wife, Rachel): Gerry (Hawker) has done an awful lot for the local Amiga on-line community. He got us an increase in available web-space with FCI and maintains the FTP-site on our behalf. Without this amicable gent's presence on FCI, we would all have a lot less fun. His only fault (that I know off) is that monsterous beard which he insists on wearing - Gerry, allow me to introduce you to Wilkinson Sword! :-)

Dave Fisher: Dave (Vader) and I became friends shortly after I joined FCI and bumped into him on IRC. Dave's a cool bloke, with a great sense of humour! His photo in the Rogues Gallery is out-of-date now though, he currently resembles Liam Gallager (Oasis) with all his facial hair (bet he wishes he was shagging Patsy Kensit too)! Oh yeah, Vader is also partly responsible for this www-site, as without his continual pressure, I would never have even bothered to produce it (bet you wish I'd never met him now eh?).

Sam Hopkinson: Sam (no nick known) is a long-time friend of mine. He performed as best-man at my wedding (which my wife has never forgiven me for)! Sam and I became friends years and years ago, when 8-bit computers were considered hi-tech. We were both Atari 800XL users and used to trade massive amounts of material for that machine between us (hope there's no-one from FAST reading this!) We upgraded to Atari ST's together, then we went our seperate ways - Sam into the cumbersome fold of the PC-world, and I into the warm and welcoming arms of the Amiga community. He's regretting it now! :-)

Eden Akhavi: Eden (Eden!) is the nice chappy at Internet FCI who has worked so hard to make his facilities available to the Amiga community! Responsible for too many niceties to list ... Probably most fondly regarded for his tireless work in keeping his customers happy. Eden is approachable, answering e-mail quickly and he can also be found helping people out on IRC. There is no better advertisement for InternetFCI! Eden, I salute you. Thanks for your continuing efforts to make our on-line time more productive and enjoyable.

Mat Bettinson: Mat (Fingers) is the the key to the whole thing! Mat is Technical Editor for CU-Amiga Magazine and a total comm's fanatic. He is responsible for the CU Amiga/Internet FCI alliance which has been instrumental in getting so many Amiga-users on-line. He works far beyond the call of his duties at CU-Amiga, being accessible and approachable to all. Mat originally took the time to configure AmiTCP (a nightmare task) for us all (before we travelled to Miami!), negating the complexities of it and generating a surge in Amiga-users on-line. Without Mat, I wouldn't have even attempted the Internet. Cheers buddy, you have my utmost respect and sincere thanks!

Phillip Hitchen: Phil (n/a) is the man responsible for converting me to Amigas from my previously adopted Atari ST's! Unfortunately, Phil does not have an Internet account (or a modem), so I can't offer a link here. However, he deserves a mention for his persistence in promoting the Amiga to everyone he meets! Good work Phil, keep it up!

There are many others ... Snoopy, Ego, Haighy, StarDustr, Zeberdee, Ook, Bashy, Anthony Ikeda, and so many others I haven't mentioned.

These guys all contribute, in their own way, to the friendly atmosphere and sense-of-community which pervades our on-line activities. Without them all, it wouldn't be half as much fun. CHEERS MATES!!!

If I have inadvertantly missed you out drop me a line.