Amiga Only
The Learning Curve - Entertainment & Education - £18.95 
Artworx Amiga - Loads of colour pictures - £9.99
UPD Gold (4 pack) - United PD library, over 4800 disks - £18.95
Network CD - Connect Amiga to CD32 - £4.99
Network CD 2- As above with many additions - £14.99
Amos PD 2 - Complete Amos collection - £17.95
Assassins 2 - Over 600 games ready to run - £17.95
Encounters - Information on the unknown - £14.99
LSD 3 - LSD legal tools - £16.95
17Bit 5 - 17Bit collection of PD disks - £17.95
Sci-Fi Sensations 2 - Double CD of images, games, etc - £18.95
NFA AGA Experience 2 - AGA software for A1200/A4000 - £18.95
Geek Gadgets - Ultimate programmers tool box - £18.95 
Epic Int Encyclopedia - A fabulous AGA encyclopedia - £29.95 
Octamed Sound Studio - The best Amiga music package - £29.99
Aminet Box Set 1 or 2 - Each set contains 4 CDs - £28.95
Aminet Box Set 3 - Complete Aminet CDs 9 - 12 - £34.99
Magic Publisher (4 CDs) - Final Writer + fonts, clipart - £49.95
Zoom 2 - Public Domain collection - £17.95
Scene Storm - Latest demos - £17.95
Amiga Developers CD - Developers tools and docs - £14.99
Amiga Repair Kit - Commercial software, Disk Salv,etc - £49.99
System Booster - Tools and utilities - £18.95
Euro CD 1 - Aminet clone but ready to run - £11.99 
Oh Yes More Worms - Extra levels - £9.99
NFA Utilities Experience - The very best Amiga utils - £14.99
Magic WB Enhancer - 1000's of icons and backdrops - £9.99
Emulators Unlimited - Computer emulators with games - £18.95
Insight Dinosaurs - Multimedia encyclopedia - £18.95
Workbench Add-on - Utilities and extras - £24.95
Global Experience - Full programs and 200 demos - £24.95
CDRom Atlas - Full colour multimedia - £29.95
Special FX 1 - Movie Maker - £18.95
Aminet 12,13,14,15,16 (each) - Collection of the latest titles - £14.99
Aminet 17 - Released Feb'97 - £14.99
Aminet 17 - PreOrder Price - £11.00
Personal Paint 7CD - 100 new features, superb - £29.95 
PPaint Suite - PPaint 6.4 + SBase + Fonts etc - £19.95
Kara Collection - Professional colour fonts - £34.95 
Amiga & PC Compatable
Multimedia Toolkit I/II - Triple pack - £18.95
3DCD-1 Objects - Over 1,700 3D objects in DXF - £9.99
3DCD-2 Images - Over 800 raytraced images - £9.99
Clip Art CD - Over 15,000 files - £8.99
Sounds Terrific2 + Octamed6(FREE) - The very latest Modules etc - £18.95
The Colour Library - 600MB+ of colour images - £9.99
Speccy 96 CD - Spectrum emulators and games - £17.99 
Grafix Sensations - Graphic files and utilities - £18.95
Light Rom Gold - Over 6,000 objects and scenes - £18.95
3,000 Jpeg Textures - Textures with thumbnails - £14.99
Multimedia Backdrops - Designed for desktop video - £18.95
Dem Rom - For Vista Pro, Scenary Gen etc - £14.99
Imagine PD 3D - Thousands of 3D objects - £18.95
1078 Weird Textures - Seamless textures inc booklet - £14.99
Clip Art Heaven 2 - All PCX format inc thumbnail book - £19.95
Card Games CD - 100's of games, Klondike sets & board games - £14.99
Retro Gold CD - Spectrum CBM 64 emulators - £18.95 
Women of the Web - Multimedia experience - £25.99 
PC Only
Artworx PC - As above in .BMP format - £9.99