The distance value determines the distance at which 36.8% of the background are still visible (for a more detailed explanation of how the fog is calculated read the reference section "Fog" ).
The fog color can be used to create anything from a pure white to a red, bloodish fog. You can also use a black fog to simulate the effect of a limited range of vision.
The following example will show you how to add fog to a simple scene ( fog1.pov ).
According to their distance the spheres in this scene more or less vanish in the greenish fog we used, as does the checkerboard plane.
Using as transmittance value of 0.2 as in
the fog's translucency never drops below 20% as you can see in the resulting image ( fog2.pov ).
The filter value determines the amount of light that is filtered by the fog. In our example 100% of the light passing through the fog will be filtered by the fog. If we had used a value of 0.7 only 70% of the light would have been filtered. The remaining 30% would have passed unfiltered.
You'll notice that the intensity of the objects in the fog is not only diminished due to the fog's color but that the colors are actually influenced by the fog. The red and especially the blue sphere got a green hue.
The tubulence keyword is used to specify the amount of turbulence used while the turb_depth value is used to move the point at which the turbulence value is calculated along the viewing ray. Values near zero move the point to the viewer while values near one move it to the intersection point (the default value is 0.5). This parameter can be used to avoid noise that may appear in the fog due to the turbulence (this normally happens at very far away intersecion points, especially if no intersection occurs, i. e. the background is hit). If this happens just lower the turb_depth value until the noise vanishes.
You should keep in mind that the actual density of the fog does not change. Only the distance-based attenuation value of the fog is modified by the turbulence value at a point along the viewing ray.
The following example ( fog5.pov ) uses a ground fog which has a constant density below y=25 (the center of the red sphere) and quickly falls off for increasing altitudes.
Just try the following example ( fog6.pov ).
You can combinate constant density fogs, ground fogs, filtering fogs, non-filtering fogs, fogs with a translucency threshold, etc.
In order to avoid this problem you have to make all those objects hollow by either making sure the camera is outside these objects (using the inverse keyword) or by adding the hollow to them (which is much easier).
The atmosphere model used in POV-Ray assumes a constant particle density everywhere except solid objects. If you want to create cloud like fogs or smoke you'll have to use the halo texturing feature described in section "Halos" .
Imagine a simple room with a window. Light falls through the window and is scattered by the dust particles in the air. You'll see beams of light coming from the window and shining on the floor.
We want to model this scene step by step. The following examples start with the room, the window and a spotlight somewhere outside the room. Currently there's no atmosphere to be able to verify if the lighting is correct ( atmos1.pov ).
The point light source is used to illuminate the room from inside without any interaction with the atmosphere. This is done by adding atmosphere off . We don't have to care about this light when we add the atmosphere later.
The spotlight is used with the atmospheric_attenuation keyword. This means that light coming from the spotlight will be diminished by the atmosphere.
The union object is used to model the room and the window. Since we use the difference between two boxes to model the room (the first two boxes in the difference statement) there is no need for setting the union hollow. If we are inside this room we actually will be outside the object (see also "Using Hollow Objects and Atmosphere" ).