Image of M16

Don Savage
Headquarters, Washington, DC          November 2, 1995
(Phone:  202/358-1547)                               

Fred Brown
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
(Phone:  301/286-5566)

Ray Villard
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD
(Phone:  410/338-4514)

RELEASE:  95-190


     Dramatic new pictures from NASA's Hubble Space 
Telescope show newborn stars emerging from dense, compact 
pockets of interstellar gas called evaporating gaseous 
globules (EGGs).  Hubble found the "EGGs," appropriately 
enough, in the Eagle nebula, a nearby star-forming region 
7,000 light-years away in the constellation Serpens.

     "For a long time astronomers have speculated about what 
processes control the sizes of stars -- about why stars are 
the sizes that they are," says Jeff Hester of Arizona State 
University, Tempe.  "Now we seem to be watching at least one 
such process at work right in front of our eyes."

     Pictures taken by Hester and co-investigators with 
Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera-2 (WFPC2) resolve the 
EGGs at the tip of finger-like features protruding from 
monstrous columns of cold gas in the Eagle nebula (also 
called M16 -- 16th object in the Messier column).  The 
columns -- dubbed "elephant trunks" -- protrude from the 
wall of a vast cloud of molecular hydrogen, like stalagmites 
rising above the floor of a cavern.  Inside the gaseous 
towers, which are light-years long, the interstellar gas is 
dense enough to collapse under its own weight, forming young 
stars that continue to grow as they accumulate more and more 
mass from their surroundings.

     Hubble gives a clear look at what happens as a torrent 
of ultraviolet light from nearby young, hot stars heats the 
gas along the surface of the pillars, "boiling it away" into 
interstellar space -- a process called "photoevaporation."  
The Hubble pictures show photoevaporating gas as ghostly 
streamers flowing away from the columns.  But not all of the 
gas boils off at the same rate.  The EGGs, which are denser 
than their surroundings, are left behind after the gas 
around them is gone.

     "It's a bit like a wind storm in the desert," said 
Hester.  "As the wind blows away the lighter sand, heavier 
rocks buried in the sand are uncovered.  But in M16, instead 
of rocks, the ultraviolet light is uncovering the denser 
egg-like globules of gas that surround stars that were 
forming inside the gigantic gas columns."

     Some EGGs appear as nothing but tiny bumps on the 
surface of the columns.  Others have been uncovered more 
completely, and now resemble "fingers" of gas protruding 
from the larger cloud.  (The fingers are gas that has been 
protected from photoevaporation by the shadows of the EGGs).  
Some EGGs have pinched off completely from the larger column 
from which they emerged, and now look like teardrops in space.

     By stringing together these pictures of EGGs caught at 
different stages of being uncovered, Hester and his 
colleagues from the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 
Investigation Definition Team are getting an unprecedented 
look at how stars and their surroundings appear before they 
are truly stars.

     "This is the first time that we have actually seen the 
process of forming stars being uncovered by 
photoevaporation," Hester emphasized.  "In some ways it 
seems more like archaeology than astronomy.  The ultraviolet 
light from nearby stars does the digging for us, and we 
study what is unearthed."

     "In a few cases we can see the stars in the EGGs 
directly in the WFPC2 images," says Hester.  "As soon as the 
star in an EGG is exposed, the object looks something like 
an ice cream cone, with a newly uncovered star playing the 
role of the cherry on top."

     Ultimately, photoevaporation inhibits the further 
growth of the embryonic stars by dispersing the cloud of gas 
they were "feeding" from.  "We believe that the stars in M16 
were continuing to grow as more and more gas fell onto them, 
right up until the moment that they were cut off from that 
surrounding material by photoevaporation," said Hester.

     This process is markedly different from the process 
that governs the sizes of stars forming in isolation.  Some 
astronomers believe that, left to its own devices, a star 
will continue to grow until it nears the point where nuclear 
fusion begins in its interior.  When this happens, the star 
begins to blow a strong "wind" that clears away the residual 
material.  Hubble has imaged this process in detail in so-
called Herbig-Haro objects.

     Hester also speculated that photoevaporation might 
actually inhibit the formation of planets around such stars.  
"It is not at all clear from the new data that the stars in 
M16 have reached the point where they have formed the disks 
that go on to become solar systems," said Hester, "and if 
these disks haven't formed yet, they never will."

     Hester plans to use Hubble's high resolution to probe 
other nearby star-forming regions to look for similar 
structures.  "Discoveries about the nature of the M16 EGGs 
might lead astronomers to rethink some of their ideas about 
the environments of stars forming in other regions, such as 
the Orion Nebula," he predicted.

     The Space Telescope Science Institute is operated by 
the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, 
Inc., for NASA, under contract with the Goddard Space Flight 
Center, Greenbelt, MD.  The Hubble Space Telescope is a 
project of international cooperation between NASA and the 
European Space Agency.

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Three images depicting the dramatic pillars 
in the Eagle Nebula and "EGGs" are available to news media 
representatives by calling the Headquarters Imaging Branch 
at 202/358-1900.   NASA Photo Numbers are:

                        Color                B&W
M16 3 Pillars          95-HC-631          95-H-643
M16 1 Pillar           95-HC-632          95-H-644
M16 B&W Detail                            95-H-645

Image files in GIF and JPEG format and captions may be 
accessed on the Internet via anonymous ftp from in /pubinfo:

M16 3 Pillars      gif/M16Full.gif         jpeg/M16Full.jpg
M16 1 Pillar       gif/M16WF2.gif          jpeg/M16WF2.jpg
M16 B&W Detail     gif/M16HaBW.gif         jpeg/M16HaBW.jpg

Higher resolution versions (300 dpi JPEG) of the release 
photographs will be available temporarily in 
/pubinfo/hrtemp: 95-44a.jpg,  95-44b.jpg and 95-44c.jpg.  

GIF and JPEG images, captions and press release text are 
available via World Wide Web at URL, or via links in: and