Trouble-shooting the Blitz Support Suite
Q. When I run Blitz 2 the error 'Library not found $FFFA' appears
A. Your acidlibs file is corrupt, click here to download a working copy
Q. The REDDebugger crashes
A. This is being investigated, more news as and when
Q. When I type a command in, the name changes to something totally different
A. You have a library clash. Check to make sure that the blitzlibs: assign contains
only the following directories :
If you have an rilibs/ directory, remove it.
You should then re-run the MAKEDEFLIBS program (a copy can be found on Disk 1 of the Blitz Support Suite (in InstallFiles/Programs/ directory)
If you have any problems, you can e-mail our technical support department :
Please specify in the Subject: line the component of the Blitz Support Suite you are experiencing problems with.