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System Features
Animation of objects is as simple as drawing a path. Paths
also control rotation, scaling, mechanical waves, deforms
and instancing, and can be linked for easy complex motion.
Timeline and keyframe animation techniques are supported.
Control splines can be used to control all aspects of
Shading can be facet, Gouraud or Phong. Other attributes
are timelined so objects can change reflectivity, color,
reflective color, transparency, hardness, etc. during the
animation, all under spline control.
Textures. The most complete and easy to use texturing
system available allows you to composite any number of
bitmaps and/or procedural textures and specify when each
should occur along with the strength and effect, including
normal, bump, opacity, illumination, genlock and more.
Procedural and bitmap sequences are supported.
Transitions between effects are unlimited and easy to
Lights are unlimited in number and use attribute lists so
they can change color and strength during the animation as
well as being assigned to paths. They can also cast
shadows and create highlights independantly.
Wave Sources are unlimited in number and have dual radii
making it easy to imitate rings in water, etc.
Shadows are created using user optimizable ray tracing
algorithms. Other rendering is acheived through solid-
model algorithms for greater speed and efficiency.
Gaseous Objects are easy to use. A container is presented
in which the actual density of space can be modified.
Gases use attribute and texture lists as well as turbulance
settings for dramatic effects.
Fountain Particle System allows the creation of endless
varieties of particle effects, from fireworks to smoke trails
to falling snow.
Lens Flares are 3D objects tied to or independent of lights!
They are so flexible that a lens flare is only one of the uses
you will find for this unique implementation.
Camera can use one or more targets which control zoom,
tilt and direction and even pan from one target to the
next, all under spline control.
And Much More, like loading encapsulated Postscript files
from work drawn in a traditional drawing program.
Backgrounds, foregrounds and overlays are supported.
Direct support of DCTV, Retina, Firecracker, OpalVision
and standard Amiga modes including HAM8, 24-bit IFF
and more.
System Requirements
Any model Amiga equipped with at least a 68020 CPU and
68881 floating point math co-processor, 4MB of memory
and hard drive.
Workbench 2.04 or later.
For best results, a 68040 or 68060 accelerator, 16MB of
memory, and a large hard drive are recommended.
For more information about Aladdin 4D, please call, fax or write Nova
Design at:
Nova Design, Inc.
1910 Byrd Ave., Suite 214
Richmond, VA 23230
Phone: (804) 282-5868
Fax: (804) 282-3768
All registered and unregistered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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