Rosbach, 12. September 1996. HAAGE & PARTNER Computer announces new STARTER version of StormC 1.1.
This version is especially for students and novices to ANSI C and C++ at a SRP of US$ 169. This package offers all the advantages that make StormC the best choice for programming the Amiga: integrated development system, visual project manager, fast source editor with syntax colouring, very fast ANSI C and C++ compiler, optimising linker and the outstanding run-time system.
StormC STARTER makes programming the Amiga easier and more effective. All of its components are designed for ease-of-use. StormC is a two-in-one compiler system that offers both current C standards: the well known ANSI C and the modern C++ standard (according to AT&T 3.0) for object oriented programming (OOP).
A comparison between StormC and StormC STARTER (table).
Pro | Starter | |
x x |
x x |
Management of Mutipel Projects |
x x |
x x |
multi-window Editor |
x x |
x x |
2-in-1 Compiler: ANSI-C and C++ (AT&T 3.0) |
x x |
x x |
very fast Linking |
x |
no |
x x |
x x |
Resource Tracking |
x |
no |
StormDEBUG |
x x |
x x |
Further Features
fully localised (English, German, Italian, French) |
398 | 169 | PRICE (US$) |
We also released version 1.1 of our new StormC development system in August. It has got a lot of new features and enhancements and it is the first international version. The program is localised in English, Italian, French and German and the manual is available in English, German and soon in French too. The international demo of new version 1.1 is available on our homepage and on AmiNet (biz/demo).
One of the most time-consuming parts of programming is creating a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the program. For that we offer an easy-to-use graphical GUI editor, called StormWIZARD. Using this editor will save a lot of programming time and get you a nice and OS-compliant GUI. StormWIZARD will be available in English by the end of September at US$ 69. The latest demo is available on our homepage and on AmiNet (biz/demo).
We are also working on a special version of StormC for the upcoming PowerPC boards for Amiga from Phase 5. Development is getting along well and we intent to show you a pre-version at COMPUTER 96 in Cologne (November 15 to 17). At this show there will also be a demonstration of the new OS from German company proDAD, called p-OS and we will present a special version of StormC for p-OS development too.
For all these reasons StormC is the development system for the future of the Amiga. StormC supports development for current AmigaOS and the next generation PowerPC Amiga and p-OS systems.
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