Fortune Cookie v1.0 by Jon Morrison copyright 1995-96 Side Effects Ok this is a silly little program that took not time at all to develop. So here are the instruction on how to use it then. Just copy 'FortuneCookie' and the 'Cookie' files to a drawer. 'C:' is a good choice. Now if you have a Startup Manager you are in luck. As there is no icon for this program, you can't just simply stick into you WBStartup drawer. If you have a startup manager like 'StartupPlus' (I made this one) enter the prefs and enter something like this into the Execution Sequence. eg. dh2:utils/fortunecookie dh2:utils/cookie Now set the execution type to AmigaDos so that it is executed correctly. To edit the contence of the 'Cookie' (this is the file which contains all the smart ass sayings) loat it into a texteditor. No on the first like will be a number '25' for example. Add one to this number for every new line you have added to the bottom of the file. You may notice that the number lines in a file might be '13' (That includes all the lines of text and the number on the first line). To calculate the number that should go at the top of the file. Count the all of the lines including the first one and subtract one from the number. eg. 13 becomes 12 To get you message on the screen so that it is not in one stright line you have to add '\n' when ever you need a new line. The '\e' marks the end of the of the quoat. It's no great problem if you don't use '\e'. You'll just have a extra line in the requester, that all. Oh and don't make the quoats over 256 characters in length, that includes all of the '\n' and '\e'. Ok. eg. This "Lionel Morrison, 60 Furzefield Road, Welwyn Garden City" becomes this "Lionel Morrison,\n60 Furzefield Road,\nWelwyn Garden City\e" Now the latter line will be displayed like: Lionel Morrison, 60 Furzefield Road, Welwyn Garden City and not as the former line. If in dought you can drop me a line at: Lionel Morrison 60 Furzefield Road Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 3RJ or look at the orignal cookie.