In the beginning, there was this idea of a perfect web creator. My aim when I began this project was to beat any other web designer on the Amiga. So that was my dream. Reality is different. WebFactory isn't as perfect as I wanted it to be; in fact it lacks essential features.
But instead of just keeping it in a drawer on my hard disk, I thought I'd share it with you, so that at least I can get some feedback out of it. This version of WebFactory will only allow you to enter the HEAD of a HTML document and it contains a simple textfield gadget for the main text. Sadly, no BODY tags are supported yet, so about the only use of this version is to create the basic structure of a document.
As a little bonus, WebFactory will replace all special characters in the
HEAD of the document by their respective entities, ie. ä
Firstly, WebFactory allows you to create the basic structure of a HTML document with a few keypresses. Afterwards, it makes it possible to enter informations about it without you having to know anything about META tags.
After creating the HEAD of the document, you can then either use WebFactory's built-in textfield, or you can save the document and use your favourite editor to add the BODY part of the file.
In case you might wonder what purpose the description
WebFactory inserts serve; they are used, amongst
others, by search engines like
Load WebFactory (obviously ;-). You will be presented with a screen that contains one string gadget, three registers and a button.
string gadget is used to specify the name of the
output file. You can also click on the image right to it to open a
file requester.
button will create the HTML document.Title
WebFactory will insert a (no title)
as title.
string gadget is used to specify the title of the
document. This will often be shown in the window title of the web
string gadget is used to specify a
description of the page. A description. is a string containing as
much descriptive text about the page as you like.
string gadget is used to specify some
keywords that best describe the content of the page. These are
entered with spaces as separators, ie. Test Keyword Amiga
string gadget is used to specify the base name
of your document. The Base entry defines the base URL
for resolving relative URLs. An example entry is
For more informations about the Base
tag, take a look at
the HTML 3.2 Reference Specifications.
text area shows the HTML document as it
will be created when you click on Go!
This page just includes a textfield. You can use it to enter the BODY part of the document.
If you click on the Options register, you will be presented with the three options: These control whether the following information is inserted in the HTML text:
Just enter the respective informations, click on Go!
and off you go! ;-)
Warning: If you specify an output file that already exists, WebFactory will overwrite it without asking you. You have been warned! ;-)
Here are just some of the ideas I have for future releases:
WebFactory is completely free. I don't suppose anybody would be prepared to pay for it in its current state anyway.
WebFactory is Mailware; all I ask you to do is send me a mail with your opinion, your ideas or anything else you can think of.
As you may have seen, WebFactory will include a Generator
meta tag with any document it creates. If you don't want this, please tell
me, and you will get a special version of the program without this
"feature". In the future I may implement some kind of keyfile support
for this purpose.
You can register by sending a mail to, optionally you can also fill out the following forms (only if you are online):
Copyright ©1996 Christian Kemp. All Rights Reserved.
This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note".
It is Mailware as defined in paragraph 4b.
For more information please read AFD-COPYRIGHT (Version 1 or higher).
The WebFactory homepage can be found at
Download the latest version of WebFactory at