Welcome to my web page

Hello! My name is Erik. I am 7 years old I live in Clacton, Essex in England.

My dad works with computers and he makes computer Cds. My mum cleans the house and picks me up from school everyday. I have a brother as well, his name is Reno and he is only a year and a half old. He is really naughty and is always trying to play on my Amiga computer.

I like the Amiga computer and I have an A2000. I used my Amiga and a text editor to create this web page and my dad scanned the photos. I am very happy with my Web Page.

I can write very good and I go to Alton Park School here in Clacton, I am in Year 3 and my teacher's name is Mrs Scott.

This is my brother Reno ========>>>>

He is in the bath. I like it when he is in the bath because he leaves my computer alone when he is in it.

If you would like to send me an Email... erik@emcomp.demon.co.uk Thank you for coming to my web page