The first time JIWA ask the resolution of the screen, the request is of the O.S., are available all resolution and work as well on graphics board. JIWA use contemporaneously JIS16 for information on the screen and JIS24 for the text. With lower characters are active the Kana mode while in upper character go in Katakana mode. Exist all specials characters of HIRAGANA and KATAKANA: shya,shyu,shy,sho ja,ju,jo Kya,Kyu,Kyo Bya,Byu,Byo Hya,Hyu,Hyo Pya,Pyu,Pyo Rya,Ryu,Ryo For small a,i,u,e,o to put "x" to the vocals. ex.(xa) A,I,U,E,O to put "X" to the vocals. ex.(XA)