This list cannot be expanded without the help of users/readers like you. So, if you have any additional information/corrections/suggestions, PLEASE send them to me.
Keep this in mind: before posting use the supplied AMIL_Search.rexx script to check if the information you are about to post is already included in the current version of AMIL (maybe in a wrong section ?). That way my job can be made a lot easier.
All contributors will be credited with their email addresses, unless denied by them.
Information most needed is about :
- WWW addresses of Persons & Companies - Companies & Groups - BBS (E-Mail, Telnet addresses) - Zines - widely known programmers/artists
- All submitted information can not be checked (fully) for it's validity and correctness.
- Contributors are requested (well, i can't force them) to submit information using the formats used in this document. That way i can more easily/frequently update this list. Use the supplied AMIL_Contrib.rexx script to guide you through your contribution.
- Any grammatical/spelling corrections in this list are also welcome (yu si, mai speling izent veri goud :-)))))