United KingdomAmiga Junction 9
E-Mail : sysadmin@junct9.demon.co.uk Fidonet : 2:440/20 Lines : (+44) (0)372 271 000 (14400 V.32bis/HST)Chaos Engine
Sysop : Mike Henderson <mike@cengine.demon.co.uk> Fidonet : 2:259/15 Amiganet : 39:131/6 Notes : 14 CD-ROMs online Lines : +44-(0)1346-510727 (28k8)Frost Free
Sysop : Dave Naylor <knocker@frost3.demon.co.uk> Fidonet : 2:250/366 Amiganet : 39:138/40 Lines : +44-(0)1484-842341 (28k8)Heart Of Lothian
Sysop : Andy Dowds <adowds@cix.compulink.co.uk> Fidonet : 2:259/65 2:259/66 Amiganet : 39:137/12 Notes : SHI support site Lines : +44-(0)1620-826004 (28k8) +44-(0)1620-826111 (28k8)Metnet CCS
E-Mail : metnet@demon.co.uk Fidonet : 2:2502/129.0 2:2502/130.0 Lines : (+44) 1482-442251 (14k4) (10 Lines) (+44) 1482-444910 (16k8)OctaMED User BBS
E-Mail : rbfsoft@cix.compulink.co.uk Notes : Support board for OctaMED Users Lines : (+44) (0)1703 703446Scratch BBS
E-Mail : kcci1@solx1.susx.ac.uk Notes : Official Super Skidmarks site Lines : (+44) 1273-389267 (14.4k)Skynet BBS
E-Mail : PaulB@froghall.powernet.co.uk (Paul Brown) PaulB@intex.powernet.co.uk Notes : Specialises in only quality public domain/shareware programs and is run by a friendly mad sysop, who has been with the Amiga since the very beginning. We offer technical help to all users who need help in configuring various programs e.g. amitcp etc. Skynet is run totally with the amiga user in mind and we aim to please both the 'amiga nutcase' and any newcomers to the Amiga. Soon to be implemented are various conferences for online aminet CD's and hopefully after the Amiga show in London a huge hard drive :) I also do a lot of graphics work and my job (working for a daily newspaper, entails all sorts of graphics/typesetting etc. Lines : +44 01604 409154 (UK)