This is just an experimental search function. It's written in ARexx and it's quite slow (try reading the whole file line by line, while searching each line and writing to a new file at the same time).
Please pay attention to these :
o You don't need anymore to make an AMIL: assign, so AMIL_Search.rexx can load and search it. AMIL_Search.rexx searches first into the current directory and if is not found there, then it searches into AMIL:.
Anyway if you insist on making the assign, here it is how :
Assign AMIL: <insert directory of here>
eg. : Assign AMIL: DH2:Docs/AMIL
o Either place AMIL_Search.rexx into the Rexx: directory or better leave it into the current (or AMIL:) directory.
o AMIL_Search.rexx creates a file (called into volume T:, so having T: assigned as RAM:T is a good idea.
o The following files must exist and be in your path :
- rx (found in SYS:rexxc) - RexxMast (found in SYS:System) - Run (found in C:, resident in AmigaOS >= 2.0)
o The file RexxMast (SYS:System/RexxMast) is executed before AMIL_Search.rexx (rx calls it), so you don't have to run it manually.
o AMIL_Search.rexx can be run from:
The word to search for can be supplied either as an argument : eg.: AMIL_Search.rexx thomas will find and display all lines containing "thomas"
or leave the program itself ask for one : eg.: AMIL_Search.rexx will display "Please input word to search for :" and you can type in the word you want to search for.
- WorkBench
A CON: window will be opened and the message "Please input word to search for :" will appear. Now just type in the word you want to search for.
o You can press "Return" before entering anything else if you want to abandon the search.
o The search can be aborted anytime by pressing Control+C. Note that the file created till then will be deleted.
o The search being done is case insensitive, so "thomas" is the same as "Thomas" which is the same as "ThOmAs".
o In order to view you can use :
- SYS:Utilities/MultiView (default) - SYS:Utilities/AmigaGuide - an AmigaGuide database viewer of your choice. All you have to do is change the line : Viewer = 'SYS:Utilities/MultiView' to the right one for your viewer. Please use the full path otherwise AMIL_Search.rexx won't be able to find it.
o The file which is created ( is a normal AmigaGuide database containing links to the lines of the nodes where the word was found and the actual lines themselves. So clicking on a button/link will transfer you to the appropriate node and line of Then you can press the "Retrace" button and move back to, press another button/link and so on.
o The Run command is used with Multiview (or AmigaGuide) so you can continue your work while the is being displayed. The drawback is that when you finish, you'll have to delete manually.
NOTE : I'm still waiting for an AmigaGuide (+.library) version with a search function included (Anyone/Escom/AT hearing me?).