INSTALLATION OF AEMAIL PLEASE NOTE: If you are installing from an AEMail installation disk, that disk must NOT be write protected when you install AEMail. It will be written to during the install. If you need further information on the AEMail install and some of the items mentioned in this document, please consult either the "" or the "AEMail.doc" documents on the AEMail installation diskette (or the AEMail archive). The AEMail Install Script uses the Installer program first provided by Commodore and later revised by Amiga Technologies. Installer and Installer project icon (c) Copyright 1995-96 Escom AG. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and distributed under license from Escom AG. INSTALLER SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE; NO WARRANTIES ARE MADE. ALL USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED. An installation script has been provided for the installation of AEMail. To install AEMail simply double click on the "Install_AEMail icon". The install script provides three user levels that the user can choose: Novice Intermediate Expert The action that takes place at the Novice level is slightly different depending on whether AmiTCP has been installed or not. The installation script determines if AmiTCP is installed by checking for an assignment to AmiTCP:. This AmiTCP: assignment was automatically created when you installed AmiTCP. The AmiTCP: assignment determines where the installation script will place the AEMail executable. For AmiTCP the executable is placed in the AmiTCP:bin drawer. If it is not present, the placement of the executable defaults to an AEMail drawer (created by the script if it does not already exist) on the largest partition on your hard drive. If you wish to control where AEMail will be placed, you will need to execute the Install script at the "Expert" user level. The reason that AEMail is placed in the AmiTCP:bin drawer is that the assumption is made that you are using AmiTCP. The "startnet" and "stopnet" scripts should be in the same directory that contains AEMail if they are to work without modification. If you select the Novice user level you will not be able to give any input for the install. The following actions will automatically be taken: The AEMail executable file will be placed in AmiTCP:bin or, if AmiTCP was not installed, on the largest partition on your hard drive. Note: No special directory will be created if AmiTCP:bin is present, otherwise a directory of "AEMail" will be created for containing the AEMail executable. When the installation script terminates it will tell you where it placed the AEMail executable. Your AEMail mail directory will normally be a directory called AEMail_Mail in AmiTCP: or, if AmiTCP: was not present, in the AEMAIL directory. The AEMail mail directory will be assigned to AEMAIL:. If an AEMAIL: assignment already exists, that directory will be used as the mail directory except that it will be renamed to AEMail_Mail if it had been named something else. This operation is automatic and makes updating the AEMail program easy without disturbing your existing mail files. No configuration will be performed. However, certain default configuration values will be provided (see below). No documentation files will be copied. If you are running under AmigaDos 3.0 or greater, the supplied mailcap file will be copied to the AEMail_Mail directory. No mailcap file will be copied if you are using AmigaDos 2.1. An AEMAIL: assign statement will automatically be placed in your S:User-Startup file. If you select the Intermediate user level you will also be able to provide configuration data that will be stored in the Tool Types parameters of the AEMAIL icon. Further, if the AEMAIL: assignment existed at the start of the installation that assignment will be used. However, if the mail directory had been called something else, you will be asked if you want to rename it to AEMail_Mail. If you select NO, the directory will not be renamed; however, a new AEMail_Mail directory will be created in the same parent directory and used for the AEMAIL: assignment. In addition to what is available for the Intermediate user, the Expert user will be able to select what directories will be used and will be able to copy the documentation files to a directory of his/her choice. The Expert user will also be able to select an alternate location for a pre-existing mailcap file and, if running under AmigaDos 2.1, will be able to build their own mailcap file. Certain configuration parameters must be provided before AEMAIL will run. These configuration parameters are provided either by Tool Types in the AEMail icon or through special configuration screens when you first run AEMail and saved in an aemail.cnfg file in the S: directory. For a full discussion on configuring AEMail, see Section IV. Configuration below. The installation script will try to automatically configure certain items to default values. These include the switch for deleting mail from your POP Server once it has been transferred to your Amiga and the switch for stripping duplicate messages. The edit call will default to c:ed and will open the editor on the Workbench. Also, if you installed TermiteTCP, the installation script will obtain your UserID and Domain Name from the ttcp-email-address environmental variable provided TermiteTCP was loaded (not necessarily on-line) when the AEMail installation was performed. The installation script at the Intermediate and Expert user levels will allow you to provide additional configuration parameters as Tool Types in your AEMail icon or to change the default ones. However, if you are updating from a prior version you may already have an aemail.cnfg file in your S: directory which will override the Tool Types. If the S:aemail.cnfg file is present, you will not be asked to provide this configuration data at installation time. In this case, if you wish to change the information in the S:aemail.cnfg file you will have to do so through the Configuration menu item. If these parameters are not provided by Tool Types (through the installation script) or by an existing aemail.cnfg file, the Configuration screen will be displayed upon the initial startup of AEMail. You can not proceed beyond this configuration screen until certain required configuration parameters are provided. The absolute minimum configuration parameters that must be provided are: UserID Password Domain Name Edit Call Mail Directory (either through an ASSIGN (see below) or by a parameter) A POP Server name and a SMTP Server name must also be provided. However, if they are missing AND, if Domain Name has been specified, default values will be assigned to these items. If you have installed and are ran TermiteTCP before you installed AEMail, the only configuration parameter you will have to provide is your password. For AmiTCP or Miami users, you will also need to provide your UserID and Domain name. If you are using AmiTCP, it is recommended that you place AEMail in the same directory that contains your AmiTCP StartNet and StopNet scripts (usually AmiTCP:bin) although this is not an absolute requirement. If the directory containing your StartNet or StopNet scripts is NOT the AmiTCP:bin directory or the scripts have names different from "startnet" or "stopnet", you will have to add the STARTNET and STOPNET tool types to your AEMail icon. You can do that with the installation script at the Expert user level. If you are using TermiteTCP or Miami, there are no Start Net or Stop Net scripts. With Miami it is possible to construct a StartNet and StopNet script since Miami has a built in AREXX port. Such a script, however, is not standard with either Miami or AEMail. The installation script will automatically create a directory for your email storage (mail and configuration files) and place an ASSIGN statement in your S:User-Startup file as follows: ASSIGN AEMAIL: [your-mail-directory-path] The default directory that is created is AmiTCP:AEMail_Mail (if the AmiTCP assign exists) or a directory called AEMail_Mail in the AEMail directory that has been created. If the AEMail_Mail directory already exists it will not be created nor will the existing mail or Configuration files in the directory be disturbed. If you want to place the AEMail_Mail directory some place else you will have to specify the Expert user level when you perform the installation. The mail directory can start out empty. The AEMail program will generate any necessary configuration and support files required. The AEMail_Mail directory can be anywhere on any one of your hard drive partitions (or on a floppy or other read/writable media); it does not have to be in the AmiTCP: directory. As stated above, you will need a "mailcap" file if you want to display MIME mail attachments. A sample mailcap file is provided on the AEMail program disk which uses MultiView to display audio, images, and video content types provided that you have the appropriate datatypes loaded into your system. This, of course, requires AmigaDos 3.0 or higher. If you are using AmigaDos 2.1, the mailcap file needs to be modified to reflect the display programs that you want. The installation script at the Expert level will help you do this. If you are running under AmigaDos 3.0 or higher, the installation script will automatically move the supplied mailcap file to AEMAIL: unless you specified a different location for a pre-existing mailcap file (Expert level only). The mailcap file specifications are given in Section IX, AEMail Files: mailcap. When the installation script terminates it will store the directory in which it placed AEMail in the Environmental variable AEMail_dir. This facilitates updating to future releases of AEMail. HANDLING OF TIME ZONES IN AEMAIL -------------------------------- At this time AEMail will only handle time zones in full hour increments. That is because AEMail uses either the "tz" environmental variable or the "locale.prefs" file that is part of AmigaDos to determine your local time zone. Both of these methods only allow for full hour time zone offsets. A future version of AEMail will give you an option in the Configuration screen to set your local time zone. At that time, half hour time zones will be handled. Currently AEMail first looks for the environmental variable "tz". The format for "tz" should be aaabbbccc where aaa is the abbreviation for local standard time, bbb is the offset in hours from GMT (-11 to 12) which is SUBTRACTED from GMT to get the local standard time. ccc is the abbreviation for local daylight savings time. If the time zone has daylight savings time this should be present even if daylight savings time is not currently in effect (contrary to the specification for "Tz" for the SAS-C compiler). AEMail automatically determines when DST is in effect. If the environmental variable "tz" is not present, the system then attempts to get the time zone offset from the "locale.prefs" file. Only the time zone offset is present in this file. The abbreviations for local standard time and daylight savings time are obtained from a table that is by no means complete. Only the time zone abbreviations for the United States and Canada are contained in this table, so the environmental variable is preferred. if neither a "tz" environmental variable or a "locale.prefs" file is present, the system defaults to CST with an offset of 6. NOTE: the standard header in an email message has the time zone offset sign reversed from that of the "locale.prefs" and "tz" environmental variable. AEMail automatically makes this reversal, so the offset should be set to positive for US time zones. They will appear as negative in the Date: header. You can set the "tz" environmental variable by using the SETENV AmigaDos Command. This must be done from the shell. The syntax to use is as follows: SETENV tz aaabbbccc aaa, your local time zone abbreviation must always be present. If you don't know your abbreviation, use "xxx". If AEMail sees xxx it will assume that no abbreviation is present and it will be left off the Date: header bbb is the time offset in hours from GMT. Plus indicates that you are west of GMT and minus indicates that you are east of GMT. Acceptable values are -12 to 24. If your time zone observes daylight savings time, ccc is the abbreviation to use for daylight savings time. If ccc is not present, no adjustment will be made during the times of the year that daylight savings time is observed. The result of the SETENV command is only in effect while your computer is on. If you want to make the "tz" environmental variable always present enter the following AmigaDOS command after the SETENV command: COPY ENV:tz ENVARC:tz Using the "tz" environmental variable gives you more control over which abbreviations will be used for your time zone. However, the locale.prefs file may be more useful for those that perfer the "point and click" method of doing things. To set the correct time zone for locale.prefs, enter the Locale editor in your Prefs drawer. You will see a time zone map with which you can move the white strip indicating the time zone on the map. Click either to the left or right of the strip to move the strip. The correct time zone offset for standard time will be shown at the top of the map. Since the locale.prefs does not have any abbreviations, AEMail makes certain assumptions as to what the abbreviation should be. These assumptions are as follows: Time Zone Name Standard DST ----------Time Zone---------- Time (in "tz") (in email Date:) Greewich Mean Time GMT BST 0 +0000 Atlantic Time AST ADT 4 -0400 Eastern Time (US) EST EDT 5 -0500 Central Time (US) CST CDT 6 -0600 Mountain Time (US) MST MDT 7 -0700 Pacific Time (US) PST PDT 8 -0800 Yukon Time YST YDT 9 -0900 Hawaiian Time HST --- 10 -1000 International Date Line IDL --- 12 -1200 --- indicates this time zone does not observe DST If you want to use a different abbreviation or control whether DST is used or not, you should use the "tz" environmental variable.