*=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=* The PLLB-C2P Demo's Written (hacked together) by Kevin Picone (c) copyright 1996, Kevin Picone, Of Underware Design Lasted Updated: 27-4-1996 *=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=* Zrotate/Flexer: 256/64 & 16 colours, 320*256, Pixel Res of 1x*2y =============== With this routine and the type of image that it uses, I've selected to use the Normal Pllb-C2P mode in all three demos. If the Image was less complex (ie. more solid colour areas) or moved less, well I would have been better suited to use the DELTA modes. Unfortunately, the code that renders the rotated Scanlines is quite slow. Here is an example of the code render just a single pixel in the rotated line. ; a0 = pointer to chunky buffer ; a2 ='s pointer to Picture's address ie. picture is (256*256 pixels) ; Render Pixel move.w d2,d4 ; backup X position move.w d3,d5 : Backup Y position lsr.w #8,d4 ; shift x position into lower Byte move.b d4,d5 ; move X position into y pos move.b (a2,d5.l),(a0)+ ; Grab & output pixel add.w d0,d2 ; add X fraction to X offset! add.w d1,d3 ; add Y fraction to Y offset! On my A1200/020 14mhz+fastram it's runs at an Average of 6.8 Fps Gouraud Cube: 256 colours, 320*256, Pixel Res of 1x*2y ============= In these little demos, I've selected to use a both the NULLSKIP C2P, and the new DELTANULLSKIP c2p routines, which are denoted NS & DNS respectively in the filenames. I've select these since there is obviously quite a large amount of unused screen space, and not to mention that this C2P mode also clears the chunky buffer for me. Unfortunately again, the Gouraud code is extremely slow, with the inner draw gouraud scanline loop looking something like this.. DrawGouraudScanLine_lp: move.w d4,d0 lsr.w #8,d0 move.b d0,(a5)+ add.w d5,d4 dbf d7,DrawGouraudScanLine_lp On my A1200/020 14mhz+fastram it's runs at an Average of 14.2 Fps *=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=* T H E E N D *=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=*